Little girl sang at church last night!!

 She sang beautiful and loud!    No shyness in this girl!      Love her!      And during church service she fell sound asleep on her teacher Ms Faiths lap,  it was adorable.  Wish I would have gotten a picture! 

They made the no cavity club!

 Both my kids had teeth cleaning appointments this week,   with excellent reports!   No cavities for either!    Brooklynn sat like a pro through the whole thing (Ben did too,  but you kinda expect that for a 12 year old lol) .  I was so proud of them both!   

A random quick meal of cheese quasidillas

 Turned into a fancy feast thanks to Ben,  he had fun working on presentation and did a great job.  Even pulled out my special dishes.    It was sweet and much appreciated.   



60 degrees and sunny!

 We enjoyed it to the fullest and took our first family walk of the year around the local pond.   

  Daisy was so excited!    She was barking and scurrying around like crazy at first and then after a bit settled in perfect and led us all around a couple times!   

  Fresh air and sunshine!   The perfect medicine!  


And explain to me why Ben look as tall as me!

John 3:16

 So excited to start this online Bible study by Max Lucado.

  I pray it's a time of growth in Gods word and my relationship with him!   

  If you'd like to join,  it's not too late!   Let me know and I can get you the link!

 *not paid in any way,  just love Jesus And my relationship with him!


Warmers days

 Means my kids are outside and getting dirty.   

  Momma couldn't be happier!    Fun play and fresh air!    

I think mud soup is on the menu for tonight!


 ITs generally a tradition at my kids school that at the end of Lutherans schools week, each kid get to choose one special person in their life to come and join them for a fun day in their class with all their classmates!   

 It was Brooklynn's first year,  and Due to the covid yuckiness,  It's was Ben's first year for a few.  

  And, Of course, Pa and Gigi were the kid's first requests!  It with a 50/50 chance they could attend with Pa and Gigi in Florida on Vacation,    But I told the kids it didn't hurt to ask!  

  So Ben and Brooklynn send an Individual video message to each pa and Gigi requesting them as their special person and Thankfully they accepted the invite and they came home in time to attend!  yay!   



Happiest of birthdays my sweet sweet girl!

How are you already 5 years old?   Time with you is flying by!

She asked for a simple day,   chicken nuggets and mac'n cheese for dinner,  with a special dessert from a local bakery and a game night ! 
  We invited PA and Gigi to come join in on the fun and had a lovely evening if fellowship!

Country living

 It's a normal day around here when we look out and see some kind of animals walking around.     

  A ton of turkeys this morning,  all fanned out and strutting.     The kids yelled with excitement and Ben's looking forward to turkey hunting season!        Maybe one of these will end up in my freezer!   

Lutheran schools week!

 A fun filled week at the kids school -  kicked off where every kid at the school either sang or played bells in a special church service!   

  It was such a blessing to see both my kids take a part,   how I love them both and thank God for letting ME be their momma!

2022 basketball.

Notice the green handed handsome little boy on the team ;) 

Ben had a great season.  Played allot more than the year previous and the coaches were so encouraging.  They found Bens strengths and weaknesses and helped him play the best he could.    Again his energy came in great handy and his job on the court was to just "Ben!   Just get the ball!"  
   He did great at that and became a really good defense player.    We were proud of him.  



 How blessed my parents are.    So blessed

   They wear their crown as it says in Proverbs proudly.  ♡  

9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...