Its something we research a lot and are always looking for natural methods of helping Ben.    He's doing great in general but still struggles with focusing on his school work and lessons being taught.   He gets distracted a lot,   and most times we all laugh about and joke around,   But anytime we hear of ways to naturally help him,  we are very interested and research it.  

 We recently got in contact with a Natural Dr in the area,  who specializes in Neurologically based Chiropractic care.     After talking with him in-depth,  we have very high hopes that not only can he help lesson the symptoms of ADHD,   but also help the body to connect the nervous system in a way that it actually cures it.  His goal is to get right to the source of the ADHD and stop messing around with bandade quick fixes. 

  We are very hopeful and even if we don't see a huge difference on the ADHD end,  The benefits of the care are amazing in other areas and certainly will not hurt!    Releasing toxins,  and helping the immune system is always huge in my book!     Ben has already gotten his first 3 visit with the Dr in and loves going!   I cant wait to share with you the positive results!  


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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...