A few weeks ago I had a dear friend who was really struggling in a few areas of life reach out to me,    I was able to tell her about my best friend named Jesus,    share with her Scriptures,   and give her honest real-life examples of his goodness to me and how much we/I truly need him,  and that without him I would not be ok in my life,   He is my saving Grace.  

 He is not only here for the "perfect person",  but here for the worst sinner who desperately needs saving.   We can come to him in our lowest points and he will only love and forgive.    He is faithful.   He is wonderful 

  We spent hours and days talking about so many worries and fears and praying to our father together.    

  One day after talking,  She got off the phone and looked up the sinner's prayer.   A few minutes later she called me and shared how she asked Jesus to come to live in her heart and in that instant, she knew she was changed.    A full sweat came over her and she felt The Lord's Peace flood her.   

  My heart exploded.  A new member of the Body of Christ,    A soul saved,  and I knew the Heavens were rejoicing.   

  Since this,  I have talked to her daily, and the Change I have seen in her has been so evident.  She is a new person.   The excitement I hear in her voice,  The daily Scriptures she reads and shares with me that minister to her,   and her desire to know Jesus and walk with him daily has been explosive!      I ask that you pray for this new believer in Christ!    That the Lord would do great and wonderful things in her life!

 As I watch her grow immensely in just a few weeks and her enthusiasm with her new life in Christ,   I stop and think about how God desires that so much from us all.   Not just the week or month after we accept him as our savior as it's all NEW and Exciting,   But he wants that forever,    A deep relationship with us,   all the days of our lives.   For that drive to know him to never die down.   For our spiritual growth with him to be evident to all,    and our devotion to him be never wavering.    

 So often we get excited about Jesus for a minute Or only grow close to him in times of Trial.     But it needs to be a life change,    To be a morning,  noon, and night relationship with him,   for it to be a priority to grow in him and Dig deep in his word.  To understand it,  and hide it deep in our hearts.     We need to hunger after his word and desire a true relationship with him EVERY DAY.  

Praise in him the Storm,  and Praise him after the Storm, But also Praise him when there is no storm.

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