Real life...

   Yesterday I got a call from Bens School and imagine my shock when I was told that he had acted up in class and had an after-school detention...

  My first reaction was "Yeah right, you're pulling my leg!"   There was NO way Ben acted up that bad.  He's just not that kind of kid....?

  But,  After some back and forth on the phone,   They did convince me that Yes,  indeed.  He had after-school detention.     I didn't even know his school did this!  Let alone,   Ben!?!?!?   

  My disbelief quickly turned to embarrassment,  shock,  and I was upset.      

   Ben KNOWS better,    100% not ok!

  I sent Matt to the school to handle it.   I knew it wasn't the best situation for me to confront while upset and Matt is WAY calmer than me.  

 Matt headed to school while I listed in my head all the groundings I was gonna layout.   

 Before Matt even got home I got a call from the Principle.    Her first words were "Don't be upset,   This was more for effectiveness than Ben actually being bad" 

  .....Ok.... that sounded better.      

  She proceeded to tell me that During class Ben kept blurting out the answers and forgetting to raise his hand.   Over and over.   Ben would blurt stuff out and the teacher would say "Ben,  you need to raise your hand"   

  After multiple warnings,  The teacher then said,   "Ben,  you now have an after school detention due to just not listening"   

  ......  I wasn't so angry anymore.    

   Now,   Hear me out. 

 Does Ben need to learn to raise his hand?  


 Should Ben blurt out answers,   


 Was detention going to be effective.  

   I'm sure it was!

   But.... I'm not gonna lie.   My thoughts also had a happy side.     

  Ben has struggled with focus.   Ben has struggled with paying attention.  Ben has struggled with keeping track of class and what's being talked about.    Ben has been told he's not even "there" at times


  Ben blurting out answers, meant he was paying attention!

  Ben blurting out answers, meant he was involved and participating in class! 

  Ben blurting out answers meant, he was listening to what was being said and answering!   

  To me,  this is an improvement!     He was mentally there!  He was paying attention!     

  I am certainly not defending his actions,     He needs to do better.   

  but if you truly knew our struggles,  and where we have been in the past,  to now getting in trouble for blurting out answers.... Momma can definitely see a victory here!      

  I'm gonna take this win and run for now.       


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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...