The past several Sundays church sermons have been so good and convicting,     Right to the point, and make you think very deeply.  

  This past Sunday (watch sermon here, it's a small 10-minute sermon starting at the 29-minute mark,  I highly recommend) was from Peter,  and in particular the pastor spoke about the "last days" Peter mentions to the Church. And not in the way you would think,  not in a scary,  The world is falling apart kind of way,   but in a, "are you living for Jesus" way? 

  He spoke about the urgency to live every day as if Jesus were coming back soon as if he were coming back this afternoon in fact.  

 He shared how the older a person gets in age,  the more they become aware of death and how short our time here on earth is,  and a younger person doesn't feel that, In fact,  they live their lives with the confidence that they have YEARs ahead of them,   zero urgencies,  zero feelings of make today count. 

  He challenged us to start to approach every day as if we knew Jesus would come back that afternoon. 

   He asked    "Would that change how you lived your day?    Would it affect the decisions you made,  the conversations you had,  and who you spent time with?"  

   He then promised that indeed,  it would.    

   He stressed that we can't live like Jesus isn't coming for another month,  year, or 10 years,   But we need to live every day like he is coming that day!

     And then he spoke on as Believers in Christ we are to be spending each day  ministering to others,   showing hospitality,   and caring for those around us.   As Believers, we are to make EVERY DAY count.  We need to be loving and serving others NOW.   

  He asked, "are the things your doing Glorifiying him?"    "Are you living and serving your neighbor"  

  Again.   Huge conviction on my end.      Before hearing this sermon,   I had a few people on my heart,   a few people that I felt led to give a meal too,   and I had been putting it off.     

   This sermon was for me.  

  So Brooklynn and I went to town,  We bought a load of Groceries to make several lasagna and all the sides.       

   When I got home,  I was a bit overwhelmed,  and anxious.    I even called my mom a bit stressed but said "Gigi could do it!!   She'd even whip up some apple pies to go along with the meals!"     

   But in my insecurities,   God gave me strength and I did it.     When we are weak,  he is strong.  And he helps us to obey,  when the task at hand seems a bit much.      We were able to deliver 4 meals to 4 different families that night and bless them.     

   I let them all know to Thank our father in Heaven,   He Laid them on my heart and he gets all the credit.      

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9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...