Day 3

 Such a great experience for these boys.   So much hard work.  Ben is moaning that "everything hurts!" And he's so tired. Lol,    All the boys are,   it's great!    

I'm so thankful that this school puts this on for the kids each year,  and so thankful for the leaders and high school students who gave up their time to be with them.   To teach them hard work and skills,  and hopefully instilled in them positive attitudes.    

  I was talking with one of the high schoolers and he was telling me and a group of young boys how he's not interested in having a girl friend,  he put all his energy in sports and he thrives.     He's not home till 10 at night after practices and he's busy!      Such a great attitude.    No laziness.  Not sitting in front of a screen,   he's out working hard for what he wants!     Most kids of today need that mentality.  So much laziness and screen time.  

Whether it's Sports,  Education,  a Hobbie- better yourself,   strive to be more.  Laziness is not a good trait. 

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...