Kindness in the little things

 We have an elderly lady who lives next door to us and recently she became a widow,    so she holds a special place in my heart for many reasons. 

  The Bible teaches us to care for widows.   There are so many scriptures that speak of it,  The Lord definitely makes it known his feelings on the matter, and I believe he has a special hand of protection over them.       If Fact Timothy gave detailed instruction on how the church is to care for the widow.    and many times in the Bible God gave serious warnings to anyone who took advantage of the window and the fatherless.   

  I read this on another blog and I love how she put it,  

"God’s very character is described as the defender of widows and father to the fatherless. The word for “defender” means advocate — one who pleads the cause, renders justice, and rescues from wrongdoing.Caring for the widow and the fatherless is not just what God does; it’s who he is.   And because it’s his character it will never change. God has always cared for the widow and fatherless and he always will. We can count on not only his promises for the widow but his character."

   So when I see my son next door helping "our" widow out,  my heart melts.    Something as simple and running to help her bring in her garbage,  and I'm not sure he even knows what the Bible tells him concerning this area.   But the blessings from our Lord will be upon my son for his kindness.     


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