The precious freedoms we have.   

  As I dropped my son off at VBS last night,  I realized how thankful I am for the ability to take him to local churches to learn more of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.    
   It crossed my mind that other countries may not have this precious freedom at all    To freely come together to teach and learn of him.   
How joyous to have a room full of children singing loudly songs of praise and know they are safe and free to do so.  
It made my heartbreak for others who can only dream of these freedoms,    or worse, have to suffer for their Faith.  
These people need our prayers.   
Never take for granted our freedom of Faith and religion.    Fight for them.  Treasure them.  

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...