First gymnastics class ever!

 Brooklynn has been asking for YEARS to take gymnastics classes,   she loves doing flips,  cartwheels,  backbends and is actually really good at it all.  On her own she has amazing talent and friends and strangers alike are always shocked when they find out that she is self taught so far and has had zero classes. 

  She works Dailey on all the things gymnastics and never seems to tire of it.   *She might even be the reason that cartwheels are no longer allowed at school (hallways, classrooms, gym)  lolol

  So, This years the only thing she asked for christmas was guessed it,   gymnastics lessons.    And she was serious too.  She told everyone she talked to "for Christmas I want gymnastics!!!"

  So grandparents and parents together made it happen.     

  We found her private classes and her first lesson was last night.   I've never seen her so exited and nervous.    It was so stinking cute! 

   And it's no surpise that she nailed her first lesson and impressed her instructor from the first cartwheel.  She said she has the moves of the dancer and secretly hoping she'll join that journey as well.

  First class she was already working on black flips!     This girls whole day was made!    The smiles she gave me made this mommas heart so happy!  

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