I wish I could say that sourdough bread making has been an easy experience for me.... but truthfully. It has not. 

  At all. 

  I still struggle every day. With every loaf.  

 Either the loaf is flat like a pancake. The dough is Too sticky to work with, I never ever get a nice "ear" , and so many more issues.  

  But i am not discouraged.  

  I will get this. It's just going to take a bit more time, but ill have sell worthy loaves before i die (that's not too big a goal right?) My family just has to suffer eating crappy loaves for a bit longer 😂😂

  But yesterday. I tried a new recipe. Still sourdough, but a completely different method alltogether, and first loaf was more successful than most all my other loaves from the past year!   

    While not perfect, I felt excited and closer to my dreams.     

  I'll get this ya'll, I will!

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