
I guess there is no good way of starting a blog besides jumping right in right in?   
 I'm excited!  
  I'll start with sharing a little about us!

First and foremost,   I love Jesus with all my heart and strive to honor him in all that I am.      I fail every day in Human flesh, but His mercies are new every morning and His Grace is sufficient.   
 I pray that through this blog I can encourage you in your walk with him and together we can become "proverbs 31" women.    Always remember that God is good,  and If we seek him,  we will find him.    

My husband Matt and I raise our 2 children near a small town in Michigan,  We live on 5 acres of land Where we farm chickens for meat and eggs, have a cat named "fluff-ball" and grow a big garden.   We're trying to talk daddy into Dogs, Cows,  Goats, ducks, and more... but so far that not working.   It's become more of a family joke now and we love to tease daddy about our big pipe dreams.

Our son has ADHD and struggles bad with focus and learning,  To help him, a few years back we started on a lifestyle change of eliminating sugars,  food colorings, and processed foods out of our diets and try to eat mostly home-cooked meals with organic or locally raised meats.    It's been very effective!  
We also understand the need of being balanced and very much enjoy a {not so healthy} treat here and there!      We trust the Lord to protect us from all elements,  in and out, and trust that he will bless our efforts to do better when we can and knows our hearts when we relax and have a junk food day every once in a while.  We've learned that moderation in these things is key.

That brings us to our son Benjamin who is 11 years old.   He is in 5th Grade, He absolutely loves his sports and as the months go on,   you'll see more about his wrestling,  basketball,  his spunky personality, and love for life.   He's a complete character,  accident-prone,   drives us nuts, and makes us smile every day.   Rarely a dull moment with him around.      He struggles to make friends and "fit in" but as you get to know his heart,  you fall in love with him.     

Our little girl Brooklynn turns 4 this week!    She is our Miracle Baby and by "worldly standards"  truly an impossible gift from God.    He has blessed us beyond words with her and we are all so thankful! 
We are currently homeschooling her at a very easygoing pace for a 3-year preschool.   Trying to make it fun and exciting as we learn our A, B, C's,  colors, and shapes.   We are not sure if we will continue with home learning this fall or if she'll go to school with Ben and praying for guidance in that area.  
Brooklynn is 100% girly.   Loves her fancy dresses,  the color pink,  playing with her barbies, baby dolls,  and loves helping with "chores".   She would live outside if it never got cold and enjoys helping feed the animals.   She is a Mommas girl all day,   but once daddy gets home she is his constant sidekick.   No matter what he is doing,   Shes there,  right by his side.   and He loves every minute of it.  

And that's "us"

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9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...