Windows closed. Doors open.

     To be fair with the whole story,   I'll start with a couple weeks to a month ago now (kinda lost track of timing) I had a chef reach out to me,   and offered a job of taking photos for a pretty tip-top restaurant about an hour from me,   for menus and billboards, etc.    It was an amazing opportunity working with one of the top chefs in the area who HERSELF creates and serves dishes to NFL players and many big-time people.    The chef would provide the fancy dishes and my job would be to shoot and help create fabulous images for the restaurants involved.    

  A dream of mine.   Like wow.   How often does an opportunity like that come along?  

  But,   I knew I had to turn it down.   For many reasons but the top one being the fact that even tho food photography is a passion of mine,  I am a beginner.    I 100% admit it.      My specialty is families and people.    Food photography is something I'm growing towards,  and Lord willing becomes a reality for me.

  But today,    I know my limits.    

  It also didn't help that the location of the restaurant was well over an hour drive one way, and the schedule I would have to work with wasn't great with me having a little one at home, I'd have to leave Brooklynn a lot with babysitters and long periods of time,  and that didn't sit well with me.     I'm a pretty clingy mom.  

 I was crushed when I had to write the woman to turn down the job.   Literally a once in a lifetime opportunity.     But the truth was,  it was far beyond my current talent level,    something I can indeed grow towards,   but I'm not there yet.    And that wouldn't be fair to them to accept.     

  But God always opens doors when it's his timing.   And they don't come with hesitation or anxiety (this one indeed caused me to stress WAY too much and I was flooded with anxious feelings) but with peace and joy.   Not that things of God don't take leaps of faith and leaving our comfort zone,    but I also don't believe it comes with fear and anxiety.     I just know that there's a deep comfort when it's from the Lord.    

  That brings me to now.    

  I had a local chef contact me to help me take photos of his food.     He is currently getting his master's and is excelling in his classes,   and reached out to me to help build his portfolio and work with him on a few projects!      He has some big things in the works and has asked me to help him out!    

  And the Best part?   He loves Jesus.     

  This opportunity created ZERO fear.   No Anxiety.    And total excitement!     I'm smiling ear to ear tonight.   

  It's an opportunity that IS within my skill level and one that I can indeed grow from!    and I'm excited to share this journey with you!   

    *Oh,  And Matts certainly not crying at the idea of all the yummy foods I get to bring home to photograph.   lol, His mouth is already watering!   

   When God Closes doors,   Trust Him.      And when He opens doors,   Trust Him.  

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...