Around 1 am we were awoken last night to the sounds of an animal screaming outside our bedroom window.   It was loud and jolted us all awake.    

 It didn't take us but seconds to realize that something was attacking our Americana momma chicken.    We all flew out of bed,  ...the screaming was something I've never heard before.   I had no idea a chicken could make such a frantic noise.    It was so loud and terrifying.     Matt yelled out the window to hopefully scare what ever It was away then darted down the stairs and out the door to help her..    but sadly, it too late.    Whatever preditor it was,  attacked fast.    It drug her off and all we were left with was silence in the dark night

  Ben ran outside and together he and Matt searched for her babies but was only able to find 1 out of the 9.    

  We were all shaking and Brooklynn just cried.   We loved this chicken,  she was such a good momma to her babies and tho she wouldn't go into the coop for protection,  she honestly was our favorite pet.  

   This morning we were left with piles and piles of feathers all over the yard as a sad truth of the night's event.    It was enough to make you feel sick inside.    Nature can be cruel sometime.  My kids are getting a real-life lesson in the realities of farm life,  and how it's not always pretty. 

   Thankfully,    Ben was able to find 8 out of her 9 babies when daylight came and they are all safely tucked away in the coop.    

  Brooklynn cried hard saying they didn't have a momma anymore,    and I assured her that I'm not a great substitute to the real deal, but I will care for them the best I can.  

  We already miss her.    Running around the yard with all her babies in tow.  We delighted in watching her care for her chicks,  and it got to the point where if we came to the doorway,  she and all her babies came running to see what treats we had for them.     

  The yard just isn't the same anymore.

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