Blessings! It's been a minute!

  I've missed posting here!    Life has been super busy this summer and many thing have had to take priority over blogging,  but that's OK!   God is good,   his provisions and blessings on our lives and business have been abundant. 
  As a family we took a camping trip with all of Matt's family and it was a time of rest,  unplugging and no technology!    No pictures were taken,   no screen time for any of us and hardly any cell reception at all.    We put our business in trusted hands and took 4 days off!    
  Nights sitting by the camp fire till late in the dark,  sleeping in (Ben broke a record and slept till 10am one day!)    Corn hole tournaments,    (Ben and uncle Mark won one,  and matt won the other!   ... I took last place lolol)  an afternoon at the beach, a 4 hour rafting trip and more.   It was a really good time spent as family,  and much needed rest.    
   Not even 10mintes after leaving and entering back in cell service our phones went nuts with all the notifications and missed calls and reality of a busy life running a business was in full swing.    But I'm grateful,    God is so faithful and is blessing our endeavors richly.   
  This week had been playing catch up,  100000 loads of laundry,  Dr's and dentists  appointments,  and more vbs's for Ben. 
 Mom mode 100%.  

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...