Just like momma

 Ive been known to highlight a verse or two in my readings of Gods word,   The verses that stand out to me,  or convict me, I like to have them stand out for future readings,  or when I just need a reminder of  verses that comfort me.     Bens been known to tease me about how some of the pages in my Bible are so colorful!  lol
Occasionally Brooklynn will be sitting near me or will even ask me to show her in her Bible where Im reading in mine and will pretend to "read along" with me.  It blesses me so and I do love her interest in Gods word already.

The Other day Matt found her sitting with her Bible and marker and was "highlighting her Bible".   He thought it was so cute and brought it to my attention later,  Sitting right there on the couch,  was her Bible with her highlighter.   she was "just like momma".  

But How sobering it was to think, Our children watch everything we do.   And so often mimic what they see and hear from us.     Its a huge responsibility to us as parents,    They watch EVERYTHING.
It was a reminder to me,  that I have to be a Godly example to my children every day, and every minute of that day.    It can't just be on Sundays mornings,   or when it convenient,   It has to be a way of life,   that my children can watch my actions, and words,  and follow my example.    I need to be a Godly example as a parent,  wife,  friend,  worker,    but most of all,  a follower of Christ.   
  My Children need to SEE him in me.      

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