Mini vacation!

  For us prepping is one of the most important things we do, it helps us abstain from sugar, eat healthier, and spend a lot less when it comes to groceries.  

   As a family we were gonna take a Mini vacation and go visit my family in New York, and in the year's past we just stop at fast food or Tim hortons and just grab quick on the go things to eat while traveling,    costing us a fortune,   and obviously so unhealthy.  

     So before this trip I started to think of little ways of making easy finger foods but healthy and hearty foods at the same time to make our trip a lot easier/cheaper. 

  So I made batches of home made bananna oatmeal muffins,   blueberry muffins and I turned my Italian bread in lunch meat sandwiches.  

  It worked great!   Every ate,  and the only time we stopped was for a quick bathroom break and gas!   

  Stay tuned for family pictures from our trip!   


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