Snow day bake off!

 When it snows huge so everyone has a day off from school,  and both your kids ask to help you make bread,   you decide to make it fun and have a competition!   

  It made a mess,  and if I'm being honest was NOT on the days to-do list,  But how could I pass up the opportunity to make memories with my kids,   teach them something useful in life AND have fresh rolls to go with dinner?!    It was a Win-win if I put my selfish desires of the day aside,  so we made rolls.  

  They had a blast!    I handed them the ingredients,  and each kid made their own batch of rolls,  they mixed and kneaded everything themselves,   (Ben did need some help with the mixing part as he only has one hand,  But he rocked the kneading with one hand all on his own!)   

Soft dinner rolls

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