Planting time!

Its a busy time of year here in our neck of the woods,  a time when we get our gardens in and look forward to a plentiful harvest!

 This year we planted a bit more hoping to have extra to put away for winter.   With the food prices going up,     canning and freezing (especially our own grown harvest) is the major goal for this year.    

Distracted by a very important worm!  lol
We planted snow peas,   tomatoes,    green beans,   peppers,    lettuce,   beets, and zucchini,   and plan to do onions and a second planting of lettuce and green beans later in the season.  

As we were out there planting I prayed,  that the Lord would bless our efforts,  that he would allow it all to grow and give us a wonderful harvest.   

I felt at peace as I prayed,  knowing that my God always provides, and Biblically,  I was teaching my children good.
The Bible reminds us not to be lazy during the planting season,  for in harvest time there will be none.   It feels good to show my children the benefits of working with their hands and being productive.    And gardening,  tho "boring" and hard work Is a lifelong skill.

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