Currently, during my morning time with Jesus, I am going through the book of 1 Chronicle, and I won't lie, It's been a rough book. Not a lot of exciting stuff happening, and there are days I'm really looking forward to being done.
But it's amazing how the Lord, takes even the toughest, most uninteresting books, and still helps me grow in him, convicts me, and shapes me into who he wants me to be.
This morning in my readings, I had the verse,
"As for you my son Solomon, know the God of your Fathers, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the Thoughts, If you seek Him, He will be found by you"
This whole verse was precious to me, but a few areas really stood out and made me really stop and think hard.
When I read the part where it says he understands all the intent of the thoughts. I was struck with deep conviction.
The intent. Think about what that means?
When I do things in the name of the Lord. are my MOTIVES pure? do I do it for fame? For a pat on the back? For everyone to see what an amazing person I am?
Or Do I do it for the Praise of my Heavenly Father? Do I do it to glorify him and advance his kingdom? To be a shining light for HIS love and Salvation.
Whether it is by my actions, thoughts, or "good deeds" God knows the true INTENT of even my thoughts.
That's deep.
MY thoughts.
That goes well beyond your outward actions.
He doesn't just see what others around me, see. He sees my heart, The true, the ugly, the motives behind everything. Are they pure? Is he pleased? Is he praised?
I can possibly fool all those around me. Say all the right things, Do all the right things. But God knows the INTENT of my heart. He knows my true motives, he knows my true thoughts and he knows the real me. There's no fooling him.
And that takes me to the last part of the verse, I've said it before, you have to seek Him. You have to know HIM.
And take comfort, It says, If you seek him. He will be found.
He's not hiding. He wants to know you. He wants a personal relationship with you.
Lets grow in him together.
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