One hour rolls

 I wont lie,  Some times I get behind ,  or distracted, and fall behind on every day things.   

Sometimes its almost Dinner time and I forgot to our meat out of the freezer,  or forgot to start a loaf of fresh bread as a side.     

 And That happened recently, lol (shocker)  I didn't have anything done and had to spring into action with dinner time being in just an hour or two.  

  I quickly looked up 1 hour dinner rolls.     Literally,   that's what I searched.  I didn't have time for loads of rising time or anything super fancy,  I just needed something fresh,  quick, and easy to feed my peoples.  

  So I found a recipe,   I had all the ingredients and it had a promise of being done in time,  so I gave it a shot. 

  It did NOT disappoint!       They were delicious!   Like 4 ingrediants, very little kneading, one small 30 minute rise and boom we had fresh rolls to go with dinner! 

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