So it's full swing Canning Season in our Household!

  So much time-consuming work,   but Oh so rewarding!   

   Our first planting of Green beans has come in and has been plenteous!       Enough to actually try my hand at canning with a pressure cooker!   

  I've always been scared to death of pressure canning as the nightmare stories that others share are always heard. So I've always stuck to water bath canning and just skip anything that has to be pressure cooked.   

  But this year I decided I need to "grow up" and get brave and learn something new!      So I borrowed Matt's parent's canner,   asked advice from those that are seasoned in the area and dove right in!  

   In the evenings,   As a family we picked the beans as they come in,   Then the next day I can what ever is picked so we are always storing away fresh produce,    Ben helps me wash and trim the beans and also helps assist with dropping in jars,   Adding canning salts,  and has been there any time I felt I needed an extra hand.   

   In total,  so far we have canned about 16 quarts!  All from our very own garden!      It's been really exciting!    

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...