What a feeling it is, When friends show up to your sons game to support and love him like their own.    

  It makes my heart so blessed to have the village I do.     Im sad I didn't grab pictures of them with Ben ,  but it meant so much to us and him! 

  Thank you Allison, Vinny, Klohe, Kristen, and Lincoln for loving our boy!

  And a momma from the other team, whom  has known and loved Ben for YEARS. She caught one of Bens layups and sent it to me!    Talk about friends!    Opposing teammates,   but still supportive.   

First win of the season!

 About a month ago,  Ben made the freshman team at his new high-school,   he LOVES basketball and was so excited to join.  

  So far the season has been rough with losses every game,   till last night!   They finally had a win!!     

  Hopefully this gives the boys a boost of confidence and turns their year around!  

  Go Jets!! 

  And pa got a pretty awesome photo of Bens layup during the game!    As my friend Emily would say "it's totally rad!"

2nd practice in the books!

 And she LOVES IT!  

 Brooklynn is always a happy little girl,    but there's a special light in her eyes when she's out there on the mats at practice!   She works hard and put it all in.   I'm so happy that her dreams are becoming a reality for her!   

 *and a huge thank you to pa and gigi for helping financially making this possible!  


  So the new recipe I mentioned yesterday just might be my favorite ever! I made my second loaf yesterday and I almost cried at how beautiful it looked! I gasped with excitement!!
  The center had bigger air pickets then i wanted so I'm going to do some problem solving there, but I'm getting so much closer to my goals!  


 I wish I could say that sourdough bread making has been an easy experience for me.... but truthfully. It has not. 

  At all. 

  I still struggle every day. With every loaf.  

 Either the loaf is flat like a pancake. The dough is Too sticky to work with, I never ever get a nice "ear" , and so many more issues.  

  But i am not discouraged.  

  I will get this. It's just going to take a bit more time, but ill have sell worthy loaves before i die (that's not too big a goal right?) My family just has to suffer eating crappy loaves for a bit longer 😂😂

  But yesterday. I tried a new recipe. Still sourdough, but a completely different method alltogether, and first loaf was more successful than most all my other loaves from the past year!   

    While not perfect, I felt excited and closer to my dreams.     

  I'll get this ya'll, I will!

9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...