Introducing Daisy!

   All 5 pounds of her cuteness!   

  Our family joined our family Sunday,  and has made our family complete (you know besides chickens, ducks, cows, and kittens,  lol ) and we are so in love.  The kids have adapted so well,  and shes fits right in.

 She's a Labradoodle and so playful.   Her tail wags non stop.    

 She's also into everything!!!  As Ben says "she's so much work!   Like a baby!" 

  She's great at night too.... as long as she's in bed with Ben.  LOL.   Put her in a crate and she's barks,  whines, and cries so loud that folks three towns over could hear her.      But as long as she's right with Ben you won't hear peep out of her all night.    soooo she sleeps with Ben,  and he loves it.    Daisy curls right up to him and sleeps sound.  

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...