A Blog about Growing in Jesus, A Simple Life, Our Little Farm, and Lots of Yummy and Healthy Foods
Brooklynns turn !
6th grade!
Here we come!!
This is the best picture we got so far. Lol
But, I pray it's a year full of our Lord blessings in your life! That you honor him in all that you do and say and Live to be an example of him always!!! Reach souls for Christ, be a shining light for him!
I love you Ben!
End of summer spurge!
This week starts school for Ben! We went to ice cream as a fun thing to make his last weekend of summer special!!
Sugar overload for the win! ....or not. I'll let you know tomorrow. Lol
Homemade chicken nuggets
Its almost that time!
So you can bet its nothing but deer talk, hunting shows, gun shooting, bow sighting in, and tree stand climbing practice and all things safety in the Nocella household.
Its like a holiday for the guys around here!
20 dozen ears of corn!
Yes! You read that right! 20dozen!
husked, slightly Cooked, cut off the cob, and bagged up!
What a job it was but sooo nice to fill my freezer with farm fresh for winter!
I was so blessed to have the inlaws help with the whole process, start to finish.
Thank you pa and gigi!
My mother-in-law knows me well.
And I love that about us. She' knows my likes and styles and always picks me up little things that make her think of me, or that she knows I'll like.
She is a treasure to me, Her Love for our Lord. Her Godly example of the Proverbs 31 woman, Her willingness to listen to me, to hear my heart, to not judge, and share our growth in Christ together... that's not something to take for granted and I know what a gift from God she is in my life.. and her love for my family, it knows no end. I know she cares for us deeply and would do anything to make sure we are OK.
This week she surprised me with hand towels that she knew I'd love. I'm very patriotic, and I like to decorate in red, white, and blue! And then put God, family, and farm life in it! They spoke my language! I smile and think of her each time I use them...which is allot!
Healthy banana nut bread!
When we entered this journey of trying to eliminate sugars, food colorings, and processed foods we knew there would be allot of effort on our part and somedays it would feel very overwhelming, as eating healthy DOES TAKE extra time and dedication.
But man. When you pull fresh banana bread out of the oven, the smell is devine, and it's such a good feeling to know exactly what my kids are eating and the ingredients involved!
Fresh laid Eggs, over ripe bananas, grape seed oil, walnuts, dark organic chocolate chips, and sweetened with 1/2 cup each of honey and maple syrup! A perfect breakfast and snacks for all my peoples! And it took less than 10 minutes prep, Bake for 50 minutes minutes and healthy eating!
Monroe county fair!
Both Matt and I grew up enjoying our local county fair. It is very fond memories for us both and something we look really forward to each year still as adults. We love taking our kids and enjoying all the stuff we remember from our childhood! The kids loved the animals and Ben is very much interested in getting involved with 4H in the near future. I was excited that he showed an interest!
After the animal barns, we splurged and got the kids some wrist bands to ride the rides and they had a blast! It was such a fun night full of smiles, greasy food, and fair adventures!
An almost 7 foot rooster.
I think my husband really wonders why he married me sometimes 🙃🙃🙃
But seriously.
As soon as I saw it at a local store, I knew my front yard NEEDED IT! Lol
And I turned 40 this week. It was the perfect gift ....cough cough , to myself. Lol
9th grade basket ball season has come to an end, what an awesome experience it's been! So many friends and family members came to...

10 years ago we enrolled Ben in a Christian school. From the start of his life, we knew we wanted to give him a Godly upbringing and a fi...
About a month ago, Ben made the freshman team at his new high-school, he LOVES basketball and was so excited to join. So far the sea...
It's an exciting new time for our family! Thankfully, he gets to zoom in all his classes except the last one, making it fit into ou...