An Evening of volunteering.

 And both of my kids got involved!     It was a blessing to use our time and energy to serve others and be a blessing for our Father in Heaven.   

  Our School hosted a food drive the last month and brought in well over 2000 non perishable items and as a result we were able to fill 28 boxes of food for local families in need!     

  They asked for Volunteers to set up tables,  label boxes,  count food,   and fill boxes,  I asked the ladies in charge if I brought my kids to help,  would they be a hinderance or a blessing.   They were overjoyed to have the extra help and right away put Ben to work sorting and setting up.    Thankfully He had a great attitude and was willing to serve.   Brooklynn, tho young was also given small jobs and loved it!  She even got to put small items like tooth brushes and toothpaste in the boxes.      

   It was a blessing to see so much food going to families and to see how our God provides!    

    He IS GOOD!

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...