A Blog about Growing in Jesus, A Simple Life, Our Little Farm, and Lots of Yummy and Healthy Foods
Merry Christmas!!
As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we thank him for coming to this world to give us hope and make a way for eternal securityin him!! How we long to see his return!
Making cookies!
Thank you aunt Jackie for loving my kids so much and always making them feel really important. Thank you for the gifts you brought and spending the afternoon with us!
Listening to his voice
His Goodness!
Celebrating a very special birthday
Our dear precious Gigi. How we love her.
Words cannot describe what she means to our family, always supporting our journey as we walk with Christ, parent our kids, and grow together. Whether she always agrees with us or not, she listens , loves, and supports
So we wanted to spoil her rotten and show her just how much we appreciate her.
We invited her and pa over for dinner and served on our finest china- king crab legs, shrimps, medallion steaks, garlic mashed potatoes, broccolli, and rolls, with angel food cake as dessert!
10,000 Meals.
What a Number that was, and a Blessing to be a part of!
Our School hosted the "Coalition Against Hunger" program and payed for us to package up meals for local shelters, those in other countries, and those facing natural weather emergencies.
Grades 3-8th all got involved along with many vollenteers from the church/ surrounding areas. It was so wonderful and everyone had great attitudes!
Kids promising to use their hands to help and serve others! |
Go Daisy go!
*And before Im attacked by anyone, We have been in contact with our local law enforcement, If at ANY time, any wild animal is after our personal animals, It is our duty to protect them and we are well within our rights to do so.
First snow of the year!
Singing at church!
9th grade basket ball season has come to an end, what an awesome experience it's been! So many friends and family members came to...

10 years ago we enrolled Ben in a Christian school. From the start of his life, we knew we wanted to give him a Godly upbringing and a fi...
About a month ago, Ben made the freshman team at his new high-school, he LOVES basketball and was so excited to join. So far the sea...
It's an exciting new time for our family! Thankfully, he gets to zoom in all his classes except the last one, making it fit into ou...