The Nocella clan!

 How blessed we are.   Family ♡♡

Merry Christmas!!

 As we celebrate the birth of our Savior,    we thank him for coming to this world to give us hope and make a way for eternal securityin him!!   How we long to see his return!       

Making cookies!

Aunt Jackie came over this week and spent some time making homemade cutouts with the kids.   They rolled dough, decorated , and baked up yummy deliciousness!   
  It was a time of great memory making for my kids!

 Thank you aunt Jackie for loving my kids so much and always making them feel really important.    Thank you for the gifts you brought and spending the afternoon with us!


Listening to his voice

One of my Daughters Teachers at School had a surgery to get a growth removed,    She's a wonderful lady,    full of kindness,  a follower of Christ ,  and a mommy to 4 children.  
 I felt led to take her a meal and hopefully bring a smile in the midst of her rough time.

Upon making the meal,   I bought and cooked up enough ingredients to make myself dinner too and as I dished it up into trays to bake,  I realized I had made more than 2 meals worth,   indeed,  there were 3 meals worth-
I started to think of all the people at school that I know and coming up with names of who I could bless with a surprise dinner.    Everyone that came to my mind,   just didnt sit right.     I didnt feel like it was Gods choice.
So I stopped thinking about it and said "God will show me who he wants me to bless" and I just simple went about making the 3rd meal,  trusting him and his timing.

Later in the day,   I randomly reached out to a friend with a quick text of "How ya doing?" ,
When I messaged her I was in no way thinking of the extra meal.  I was just simply reaching out.

Her response to my text was
 "Ugh,  Not good.    We are in quarantine,   and so sick.    Ive got one kid puking,  and one with Croup,   and my stomach is killing me!"

As soon as I read this message.   I instantly knew ,  this was the person.   this was the person the extra meal was made for.     God knew she needed a caring friend and I felt a peace.

So I scooped Brooklynn up and we drove to her house,   I pulled in the driveway,  jumped out and put the meal on her porch and drove away.  

I texted her and said "For those well enough to eat,   Dinner is served"

Of course she was blessed and was very thankful.

But the point of this story is.   God knows before we ever do.  

He knows the needs of us and those around us.   He meets those needs through others ,  even in ways of a meal made for another family and an abundance made to bless more.     
I had no idea this friend was struggling,   But God knew.   God has me send that text,   He had me make the extra food,  and in HIS timing,   He showed me exactly what he wanted me to do.  
I just needed to trust and listen.

It was such a good reminder to myself that If I put it all in his hands,  He will guide me,    In the big ways, and the little ways.  
He is GOOD.


His Goodness!

Our Father in Heaven blessed my family with a New Addition!   
Praising our Lord for my newest niece Born to my little sister Lisa!  
Liliana ,  6 pounds 1 ounce!
She is indeed the best Christmas gift our family could ask for!  
Healthy and Perfect.  How our Lord answers prayers!

This Aunt Shell is slightly smitten and can't wait to gobble her up in hugs and kisses!


Celebrating a very special birthday

 Our dear precious Gigi.     How we love her.    

  Words cannot describe what she means to our family,  always supporting our journey as we walk with Christ,   parent our kids,   and grow together.   Whether she always agrees with us or not,  she listens , loves, and supports

   So we wanted to spoil her rotten and show her just how much we appreciate her.  

   We invited her and pa over for dinner and served on our finest china-   king crab legs,   shrimps,   medallion steaks,  garlic mashed potatoes,   broccolli,    and rolls,  with angel food cake as dessert!  


If you read this Gigi,  know how much we love you,  thank you for your example of Godliness,    and for always loving us!     

10,000 Meals.

 What a Number that was,  and a Blessing to be a part of!

Our School hosted the "Coalition Against Hunger" program and payed for us to package up meals for local shelters, those in other countries, and those facing natural weather emergencies.  

Grades 3-8th all got involved along with many vollenteers from the church/ surrounding areas.    It was so wonderful and everyone had great attitudes!

Kids promising to use their hands to help and serve others!

Go Daisy go!

Sometimes she can be annoying... With her chewing stuff up,  Sneaking bathroom breaks INSIDE the house,  and trying to get food off the counters.

But then nights like the story I'm about to share,   makes it all worth it. 

Daisy does sleep all night.   Its wonderful!  She will only wake us occasionally to go pee outside but always comes right back in and falls alseep.    We cannot complain a bit!   She either sleeps at the foot of our beds or on the floor.

On the RARE occasion she will wake us barking,  But we have learned that every time she does this,  there is either someone (a neighbor) outside talking or something in general off outside.  she makes us aware and we've learned that when Daisy barks ,  we need/should go take a look.   

So when she started barking randomly in the middle of the night one night around 11,  Matt jumped out of bed and immediately ran to check things out.   Daisy was barking towards the back yard so Matt opens the window to take a close listen.    
Sure enough,  He says the chickens were making noise!    ( If you know anything about chickens they DO not make noise at night).  He immediately knew something wasn't right and ran outside to investigate!  
Sure enough,  Upon getting to the chicken coop ,   Matt found a possum in the coop with our chickens and ducks!!      He sprang into action and was able to get it before it harmed our girls.    

Daisy did her job!   She let us know,   that something was out there,  and something wasn't right!  We were so happy with her and thankful for her good ears and alert character!  

 *And before Im attacked by anyone,  We have been in contact with our local law enforcement,  If at ANY time,  any wild animal is after our personal animals,   It is our duty to protect them and we are well within our rights to do so.

First snow of the year!

Perfect for a snowman and both kids excitedly went to town building one!
Even Daisy got into the action,  and tho she only stayed out for a bit,   she did run and have fun!


Singing at church!

"This little light of mine!  Im goona let it shine!"
I can only pray she truly learns what those words mean,    that she would shine for Jesus in a dark world,  she would be a constant light for his glory and always be a witness of his love and forgiveness as she grows. 


9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...