Throwing hay!

One of Ben's best friends "Evie" whom he's known almost his whole life,   who also happens to be class-mates,  lives on one of the biggest farms in the area was telling me how they were in the hay season,  I shared how I lived on an organic dairy farm as a kid,  and was not a stranger to the world of Hay and said if they ever needed any extra help,  to shoot me a text and I'd bring Ben over to help.     

 Little did she know that it is always my dream to have my children experience the world of farming and the honest hard work that comes with it!       I personally can't give him all the experiences here where I live,   but I always knew,  as he grew older I would find opportunities for him to help local farmers and find safe ways for him to learn and be in that environment.   And who better than learn with than your best friend's family!?

  Not even two days after this conversation,   I got a text from Evie's older sister saying "Hey,  we have 3 wagons to unload if Ben wants to come help!"   

  I yelled out to Ben and said "Guess what!"  lol.      He was hesitant at first as it was completely unknown territory for him as he's NEVER done hay,   But ran to get dressed!

  In minutes we were in the car and drove over there.     Upon getting there,  Ben didn't even hesitate,   He was out of the car, jumped into the wagon bed with Evie's older brother, and got to work!  

He was there for hours before I got the text to say they were done.   When I went to get him,  He was all smiles and was nothing but optimistic,   He said he threw those bales of hay right up into the loft from the wagon to the stackers,   "mom,  I threw up 100 bales of hay,  I worked so hard!  and I really helped,  they even said how it went so much faster with me helping!"    I was so proud of his attitude!   

He was pumped and said he'd go back anytime.  

Honestly,  I can't tell you how that made my heart swell.       

Farm work is NOT easy,   It is hot,  dirty,  sweaty,  and "hay season" is one of the worst,    But I tell you,  its so rewarding,     I asked him how it felt to work so hard and he said "great!"   

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