Track season!

   So I'm not sure if I shared yet,   but Ben decided to give track a try this year,  He is normally a year-round wrestler,  but due to the requirements to wrestle currently we decided to pass for a bit and try some new stuff.  

 At first Ben was a bit iffy on track.    but now that he's been faithfully going to practices and then this week went to his first track meet,  he has discovered he LOVES track.     And he's really good at it!!    Ben has always been very athletic and a good runner,   but has never competed.  

  It was pouring rain and really cold,  but Ben did Great!!   He put 100% in and did all 4 of his allowed competitions!  

 Yesterday the results came in and Ben took 1st in one,  and 2nd in the other 3 competitions!

  He was so excited and Matt and I are really proud!    

100 yard run

Long jump

Long jump (it was best out of 3 tries)


400 yard run 

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