Rainbows in the sky.

 Its always favorite sight.      I am reminded of Gods promises and how he always KEEPS them. No matter what,   The promises in the Bible,   Are very much mine today.   And I can count on them.     God cannot lie,  and God will NEVER leave me or forsake me.    

  Such a precious promise.    One that brings me great comfort.    How Love him!   

  So when we were driving through town the other day and I saw a glimpse of the rainbow,    I asked Matt to please turn around and get us closer to it.     I wanted to show my kids,  but especially Brooklynn,  Im pretty sure its one of the first Ive been able to share with her!     Matt turned right around and upon seeing the rainbows bright glow and the vibrant colors,   He actually got the kids out and gave them a better look when we were able to park close by.    We just stood and stared at Gods beauty for a minute.     

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...