Soccer was a hit!

Ben was on the fence about giving it a try,  But boy is he thrilled he did!   After injuries on the field,   Having to take time off,  Trips to Dr's,  Hospitals,  and x-rays  and finally being given the green light to enjoy the season,  Ben became a pro!   

No Joke.   Its amazing the skill he has on the soccer field.   He blew so many of us away,  from going to having never played,  to being promoted to center mid field along with some of the best players,   He completely rocked it and even scored a goal!     He was all over the field,  from one end to the other and never seemed to wear out,   and was clearly one of the fastest runners out there!    ADHD for the win this time,  His crazy energy totally came in handy!!  haha!  
Some of us even joke with his team mates that Ben didn't have a "position" and was just every where the whole time,  they laughed and said It was so true,  he was never in one place!

He's decided its his favorite sport (yes,  it may have even beat out wrestling!) and is geeked about next year already.     He goes out every day and kicks his ball,  rain or shine,  and its getting pretty good at hitting it into the net we got for him for the back yard.

We Love seeing him excel in sports,  and Love even more seeing him excited about something after the whole "shut down" that we experienced this last year.      Im so thankful that these opportunities are opening back up for these kids!   God is GOOD!   


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9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...