I won't lie,  There are moments in my parenting where I wonder if Im doing it all wrong.   I wonder if Im raising my Kids the way Christ would want/ need,    I wonder if I discipline well enough,  If I'm consistent enough,   If I'm too strict,  or not strict enough.    Always questioning if I have a clue what Im doing.

  Parenting is no joke.    Its hard.     There are days where Im like WOW.   I didn't see this coming,  when certain situations arise and I have do deal with them out of the clear blue.

 Teens years are around the corner and part of me is scared to death,  The other part is excited.     I want to see the young man by boy becomes,  I want to see him thrive and grow,   and its been fun to watch so far,  and Im sure its only goona get better.   He's a pretty awesome dude.    Most people that have met him would agree.  

   Is he perfect?  


  But his heart is huge.   He's NEVER met a stranger.    He doesn't care your age- He'll be your friend,    He'll sit and chat with you and engage in conversation.        

  And when I look outside and see him just sitting and talking with our elderly neighbor Im not surprise,  But I sure am blessed and honored to call him son.   

  I watched them for a good 20-30 minutes,   they talked about everything and anything.    Ben was relaxed,  and in no rush to get away from him.   He sat there chilled,    He shared his thoughts,   he asked questions,   and age did not play a part.   He was just Ben.   

 So,   Maybe I'm not completely failing at this.....

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...