New Year, Same us.

 Lol.   Always on the path to better eating,  more homemade foods,  and Healthier options.    

   That will never change.      I think it's important to know what goes in your body and to be wise.  What goes in us,    has a direct impact on so many areas of our life,  physical,  and mental.       

 Treating Bens ADHD is one of the hardest journeys we've had as parents.    But we won't give up.    We always strive forward.  

 Tho don't worry,  We do understand the need to compromise,  and have fun,  We do enjoy a treat here and there and sometimes have a complete day of indulgence.    Its all about balance and we know this.   We talk about it as a family.  We motivate each other,  and Im always looking for new and interesting ways of making eating healthy more fun.   

 Its a way of life for us.    and most people in our lives respect it.     Bens School for the most part is beyond helpful.     Teachers reward him with alternatives to the candy treat box and He has so many people go out of their way to make sure he has something just for him in the times when sugar is on overload.     And for those people,   I am forever grateful.     They are my village.      

  In the months of Nov and Dec,  with some many holiday treats and school parties,  we do give in and allow sugar in moderation.   Celebrating Jesus Birthday is a big deal around here!  

  But sadly,   We do see negative effects during these months with our health in general (feeling more tired,   colds act..) but also in Bens focus and his work at School.  As a matter of Fact,  a few of Bens teachers have shared that they are noticing a difference in Ben. and how he seems to be struggling.  That crushes this mommas heart.    

  So.... January 1st,  We crack down and go "no sugar".  ZIP, NONE ,   (with the exception of Natural Honey,  and fruits)        It's become normal around here and fully expected.      And Like a light switch,  Even Ben will start reading labels on foods,  and inform of how many grams of sugar something has in it.     

 Does he enjoy it?   


   But he truly understands the importance of what we do and why we do it.    He knows it's the best for him,   and while he'll complain about it occasionally,   for the most part,   he just sucks it up and owns the process.   

   And truthfully ,  it's not easy for any of us.    Food can be boring without sugar!    And reading every label gets old.    You guys- there is sugar in EVERYTHINGGGGGG.     

   Cooking takes prep work,   extra groceries,   and most things needs to be homemade.  And meal planning is no simple task,     But I can't tell you how good it feels to feed my family fresh organic foods where I made from scratch and I know EXACTLY is in it.     You can't beat it.    

  And my boy is worth it.    Every bit.      He's my why.    He's my motivation.    


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