New Years Eve at our house.

 It was Just us.  

 No parties,  No plans to stay up late,  We had some yummy snacks,  all homemade and just quiet family time.       

   I made meatball subs,   It was so yummy!!  The meatballs were tender and the sauce was better than any jarred stuff out there!   

We also had fresh cooked shrimp (first time ever cooking my own shrimp!) ,    along with  inside-out  egg rolls ,  and spinach dip with triscuit crackers.  

  A simple menu,    but it was perfect.    We all ate till we were stuffed!

  But funny story,      Around 5 or 6:30 Matt asked me if I planned to stay up for a bit,    I said since it was so early still,  I had a few hours left in me.    He said "Great,  I'll make a pot of coffee and try to stay up too"

  I asked "How late do you plan to stay up?  "   

 He said "930!"   

 I bust out laughing,  and said "930?   that's your goal on New Years eve? "  

  He said "Hey, you gotta have realistic goals",  and went and made a pot of coffee.  

  Fast forward.    

  Brooklynn was asking to go to bed before 8.    

  Ben didn't even try to stay up.

 And we were all in Bed, with lights out by 830.  

  Yep.  Thats us.     We didn't even make our goal of 930.     lol

  But New Years,  we woke well rested and no hangovers so I say it was a win win!

   In all seriousness tho,   I pray it's a blessed year for us all,   a year of growth in our Savior and we see many many come to know him personally.   

   I would love to hear,  How will YOU help serve the great commission for Christ this year?    

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