First time skating!!

 Some of Bens school mates made plans to go skating over the weekend and invited Ben to join along.     We agreed to let him go but stressed the importance of being Christ like and to always please his Lord.   It was a good feeling to know we have raised him well and can trust him for situations like these.   As he grows older we are understanding the importance of building a strong faith and foundation in their hearts of God's word. 

  He had never gone skating before so was beyond excited!     

The mom that went along sent me pictures!

He came home all pumped,  saying he loved skating!  He said after getting the hang of it,  he was actually pretty good at it! 

  I asked if he fell and got hurt at all and his response was "oh absolutely!!!"!

  But yay for no broken bones!

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...