Teacher aprieciation week!

If you know anything about me,   you know I am very practical.   I don't like excess "stuff" and clutter.   It causes me to feel anxious,  and unorganized.   
So,  When it comes to gift-giving,   I tend to have the same feelings.   I like to give gifts that are sensible,   something people will use,  and not a dust collector or something people feel obligated to hang onto but secretly have zero use for.  

Especially a teacher,    after years of teaching a bunch of students,  they have to get overwhelmed by the amount of thoughtful yet "what do I do with this" gifts.

So for teacher appreciation week this year,  I tried to think outside the box,  but be cost-effective as between my two kids there are 8-10 teachers and aids total!     I didn't have to give a gift to each teacher, and it probably wasn't expected,  but I figured if I could make it affordable,  we could easily give something to each person.  
So Google was my friend and had some GREAT ideas!     After a quick trip to the dollar store,  a few supplies and about an hour later,  I had adorable little gifts that were usable, and nothing that would go to waste,  but at the same time were super cute,  memorable and fun!   Every teacher can use pencils, highlighters and gum!

I was super happy with how everything turned out!     There was nothing mind-blowing about any of it,    but each teacher was remembered and acknowledged,     
We handed these out, and then treated them all too pizza on the last day of the week!   It was perfect!  


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