Knowing Gods Word.

 It needs to be a top priority.    

In Bible Study yesterday, There was a discussion that as believers we are to make sure that everything we are being told, whether in church,  Bible study,  on radios,  Podcasts, books we read,  or anywhere else, lines up with Gods word.    And if something goes against God's words,  We are to call it out and turn away.    His word is always the final authority,   Even trusted leaders and Pastors can fail.    Know his word for yourself,  be grounded in it!

And Everything we believe,  say,  do, and think,  needs to line up with God's word.   And if it doesn't,  we really need to check ourselves.      

  So How do we do that?     

 By KNOWING God's word.    


 We need to know God's word so well,    That when we are taught false doctrine,   We instantly know.    We don't blindly believe or follow.     We KNOW.    

  The Bible says False teachers will sneak in,  and they will deceive.    So you need to be on guard at all times.    You need to have God's word hidden in your heart so deep,  that The enemy will not be able to catch you and put lies in you.     Cause I promise,  He will try.

 It was shared that Most books of the New Testament can be read in a few hours' time,  if not less.    So there is NO excuse for NOT knowing his word.     The Book of Mark, for example,    Is read on Audio in 2 hours' time.         It's time to get in his word,  and KNOW HIM.    

 Again,   God's word is the final authority.    And it can not be compromised.      Sin is Sin.     Forgiveness is God's promise to us,  but that is NEVER an excuse to sin.     Never.     God will not be played.    God knows your hearts.      

  So get to know him,  starting today.   Give 5 minutes and start reading the Bible.    Hide it in your heart.  

    I Challenge you.   If you have 5 minutes for Facebook.    You have 5 minutes to get in the Word of God and search.      

  Leave a comment and share what is your favorite book of the Bible and where you are currently reading? 


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