So here i am

 Its been on my mind allot lately.    

  How much I miss blogging,  sharing, and encouraging others.   Its very therapeutic for me and something I truly enjoy!

  Then this week Ben had an 8th grade gradutions assignment which made him search for photos of his childhood.   We pulled up Ben blogs and got lost in the years worth of stories I had published.    It brought back SO MANY memories,  most of which I had completely forgotten about.    What a trip down memory lane it truly was.  

  While looking,  Brooklynn asked the heart breaking question of where her blog was....


 That stung a little.   

 While I have blogged some of her life,  I have missed so much of it.    Yes I have the occasional picture of her when I didnt blog,  but I don't have the feelings,  the story and emotions behind each one captured like I do for Ben.   

 And I miss that.   So much.   

 I miss sharing.  The fun things we do.   The homesteading journey that is our way of life.   And just us being us.  

  I love to encourage other mommas in their faith,  and walk with the Lord and be an onlne village.    You are not alone.  We are called to walk this together.   

   So this is us.  Our adventures and Our craziness.   I hope you enjoy the little glimpse into it all ❤️

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1st day of second grade!

 She's excited, nervous , and feeling all the emotions,  but is braving it like a champ!       And daddy got to take a picture with her!...