A soccer player, and coach, and a ref.

 All in one!  

  Brooklynn joined the local township soccer team,  Matt was asked me be the coach! 

  And Ben was hired to ref all the games k-3rd grade!  He's refs several per soccer night and is paid for each one!   He was thrilled for the opportunity!

   Little girl is pretty fierce on the field,    she has zero fear like her big brother!     No hesitation when out on defense,     she right in the thick of it!

Batch #1

Ooooohhhh,  things are getting exciting around here!   
  For mothersday day of '23 ,  Matt bought me 3 dozen hatching eggs from a polich chicken farm,    I had so much fun hatching these babies and had pretty good success.   Sadly.  Something got into our coop and I lost too many to count :(    I now only have 2 roosters and 3 laying hens left.   So I am currently working on building my flock back up by slowing hatching whatever eggs they lay in a week.    I currently have 3 incubators full!    This weekend my first batch is hatching and they are so cute.   I am beyond delighted with this experience!    


 It's been my nickname for Ben for years.    His friends all laugh when they hear it and then I explain its a perfect name.   He's a little bit of a man,  and a little bit of a child.        They all readily agree and say it's perfect!   

  So its "manchild"   

  And then man part hit a bit deeper when I walked into the bathroom to catch this moment.  Dang.  How are we already here?    How?   What the heck.   



Pistons game!

 Ben has become a huge fan of basketball!   Watching all the games,  learning players,   joining every league and team he can find.   He loves it!   

  So Matt thought it would be awesome to take him ( and the family) to a Detroit pistons game.  What an unforgettable experience it was!!      It was so much fun.   One of the best nights our family has ever had together!    The kids got pictures with the cheerleaders,    they gave them "first game ever" certificates and signed posters of different players.   And we got them each a Jersey!     

  The audience was pumped,  the music kept you excited and the energy in the building was kept you cheering your team on the whole two hours!      Honestly.  A night we will never forget

Frankenmuth success!

What a great time it was!   We played games,   walked the town,   swam for hours and hours and just enjoyed family time!   


9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...