A childhood favorite! 

 When I left home I requested my mom give me the recipe to one of the simplest dishes she ever made as I was a kid,  but one that I LOVED. It was a casserole of sorts with few ingredients and super easy to make.    I still love it today and make it for my family often!   It's also great as leftovers for my guy's lunches! 

Broccolli and Cheese Cassarolle

2 cups cooked broccoli (drained of all water)

3 eggs

1/2 cup minced onion

1/4 tsp pepper

1 cup cheese

1 1/2 cups milk 

1 tsp salt

3/4 cup busquick.

 Grease 10 in pie plate,  mix veggies and cheese in pie plate,  Beat milk, eggs,  and Bisquick and pour-over.  Bake @375  35-40 min

  Of course, I can't make a recipe without adding a few of my touches,   We try to use healthy organic ingredients, and I add in a cup of cooked meat,  usually ham to make it more filling.  I also add some extra seasonings like garlic powder!

A late afternoon stroll through our woods


We saw a snake,  Ben tried to catch it but it got away,   his goal is to catch a snake a day!   He's at 3 days in a row!    Of course he's catching them at school and freaking his teachers out!  Lol

  We also discovered that our apple trees are starting to bloom!  Matt planted them our second summer here!   Those flowers were a beautiful sight!


Real life...

   Yesterday I got a call from Bens School and imagine my shock when I was told that he had acted up in class and had an after-school detention...

  My first reaction was "Yeah right, you're pulling my leg!"   There was NO way Ben acted up that bad.  He's just not that kind of kid....?

  But,  After some back and forth on the phone,   They did convince me that Yes,  indeed.  He had after-school detention.     I didn't even know his school did this!  Let alone,   Ben!?!?!?   

  My disbelief quickly turned to embarrassment,  shock,  and I was upset.      

   Ben KNOWS better,    100% not ok!

  I sent Matt to the school to handle it.   I knew it wasn't the best situation for me to confront while upset and Matt is WAY calmer than me.  

 Matt headed to school while I listed in my head all the groundings I was gonna layout.   

 Before Matt even got home I got a call from the Principle.    Her first words were "Don't be upset,   This was more for effectiveness than Ben actually being bad" 

  .....Ok.... that sounded better.      

  She proceeded to tell me that During class Ben kept blurting out the answers and forgetting to raise his hand.   Over and over.   Ben would blurt stuff out and the teacher would say "Ben,  you need to raise your hand"   

  After multiple warnings,  The teacher then said,   "Ben,  you now have an after school detention due to just not listening"   

  ......  I wasn't so angry anymore.    

   Now,   Hear me out. 

 Does Ben need to learn to raise his hand?  


 Should Ben blurt out answers,   


 Was detention going to be effective.  

   I'm sure it was!

   But.... I'm not gonna lie.   My thoughts also had a happy side.     

  Ben has struggled with focus.   Ben has struggled with paying attention.  Ben has struggled with keeping track of class and what's being talked about.    Ben has been told he's not even "there" at times


  Ben blurting out answers, meant he was paying attention!

  Ben blurting out answers, meant he was involved and participating in class! 

  Ben blurting out answers meant, he was listening to what was being said and answering!   

  To me,  this is an improvement!     He was mentally there!  He was paying attention!     

  I am certainly not defending his actions,     He needs to do better.   

  but if you truly knew our struggles,  and where we have been in the past,  to now getting in trouble for blurting out answers.... Momma can definitely see a victory here!      

  I'm gonna take this win and run for now.       


Cuteness overload.

 She now take her babies all over the yard,   they run around after her as she pecks at the ground.  Its so much fun to watch!

  A few weeks ago I had a dear friend who was really struggling in a few areas of life reach out to me,    I was able to tell her about my best friend named Jesus,    share with her Scriptures,   and give her honest real-life examples of his goodness to me and how much we/I truly need him,  and that without him I would not be ok in my life,   He is my saving Grace.  

 He is not only here for the "perfect person",  but here for the worst sinner who desperately needs saving.   We can come to him in our lowest points and he will only love and forgive.    He is faithful.   He is wonderful 

  We spent hours and days talking about so many worries and fears and praying to our father together.    

  One day after talking,  She got off the phone and looked up the sinner's prayer.   A few minutes later she called me and shared how she asked Jesus to come to live in her heart and in that instant, she knew she was changed.    A full sweat came over her and she felt The Lord's Peace flood her.   

  My heart exploded.  A new member of the Body of Christ,    A soul saved,  and I knew the Heavens were rejoicing.   

  Since this,  I have talked to her daily, and the Change I have seen in her has been so evident.  She is a new person.   The excitement I hear in her voice,  The daily Scriptures she reads and shares with me that minister to her,   and her desire to know Jesus and walk with him daily has been explosive!      I ask that you pray for this new believer in Christ!    That the Lord would do great and wonderful things in her life!

 As I watch her grow immensely in just a few weeks and her enthusiasm with her new life in Christ,   I stop and think about how God desires that so much from us all.   Not just the week or month after we accept him as our savior as it's all NEW and Exciting,   But he wants that forever,    A deep relationship with us,   all the days of our lives.   For that drive to know him to never die down.   For our spiritual growth with him to be evident to all,    and our devotion to him be never wavering.    

 So often we get excited about Jesus for a minute Or only grow close to him in times of Trial.     But it needs to be a life change,    To be a morning,  noon, and night relationship with him,   for it to be a priority to grow in him and Dig deep in his word.  To understand it,  and hide it deep in our hearts.     We need to hunger after his word and desire a true relationship with him EVERY DAY.  

Praise in him the Storm,  and Praise him after the Storm, But also Praise him when there is no storm.

Im so in love with these little guys

 And I'm not even going to apologize for the overload of baby chick photos and videos you're about to see.    

 Do you guys remember a few weeks ago that I shared how we found the pile of Americana eggs hidden in a corner of our yard!? 

Well, guess what!!   

She was a fabulous brooder hen and faithfully laid on those eggs day in and day out,  rarely taking a break to eat or drink and as of just now,  We have 8 baby chicks!!

They are soooo adorable!      

Fresh deliciousness

 Such a blessing to receive healthy foods from the inlaws bountiful asparagus patch!

  I am so grateful that they are willing to share with us and provide our family with yummy veggies!


I caught this photo of my little girl today as we headed into our church-
she was skipping happily and was full of life! 

I couldn't help but think how precious it would be if we as Christians would live our walk with Jesus as innocent little children do in almost anything in life. To happily skip along, excited about going to church instead of it being a "chore" or a check-off of our list of duties as followers of Christ. 
 Are we delighting in the small things instead of complaining about the difficulties in our lives, or begrudging what we don't have instead of being thankful every day for the many blessings we do have?

Are we skipping with excitement about gathering together with the body of Christ and learning about our Lord,  
 Or are we bored in our walk with him, stagnant in our growth, and finding many more things capturing our attention?
Just some deep thoughts as I grow from my daughter's joy in "going to church"

Windows closed. Doors open.

     To be fair with the whole story,   I'll start with a couple weeks to a month ago now (kinda lost track of timing) I had a chef reach out to me,   and offered a job of taking photos for a pretty tip-top restaurant about an hour from me,   for menus and billboards, etc.    It was an amazing opportunity working with one of the top chefs in the area who HERSELF creates and serves dishes to NFL players and many big-time people.    The chef would provide the fancy dishes and my job would be to shoot and help create fabulous images for the restaurants involved.    

  A dream of mine.   Like wow.   How often does an opportunity like that come along?  

  But,   I knew I had to turn it down.   For many reasons but the top one being the fact that even tho food photography is a passion of mine,  I am a beginner.    I 100% admit it.      My specialty is families and people.    Food photography is something I'm growing towards,  and Lord willing becomes a reality for me.

  But today,    I know my limits.    

  It also didn't help that the location of the restaurant was well over an hour drive one way, and the schedule I would have to work with wasn't great with me having a little one at home, I'd have to leave Brooklynn a lot with babysitters and long periods of time,  and that didn't sit well with me.     I'm a pretty clingy mom.  

 I was crushed when I had to write the woman to turn down the job.   Literally a once in a lifetime opportunity.     But the truth was,  it was far beyond my current talent level,    something I can indeed grow towards,   but I'm not there yet.    And that wouldn't be fair to them to accept.     

  But God always opens doors when it's his timing.   And they don't come with hesitation or anxiety (this one indeed caused me to stress WAY too much and I was flooded with anxious feelings) but with peace and joy.   Not that things of God don't take leaps of faith and leaving our comfort zone,    but I also don't believe it comes with fear and anxiety.     I just know that there's a deep comfort when it's from the Lord.    

  That brings me to now.    

  I had a local chef contact me to help me take photos of his food.     He is currently getting his master's and is excelling in his classes,   and reached out to me to help build his portfolio and work with him on a few projects!      He has some big things in the works and has asked me to help him out!    

  And the Best part?   He loves Jesus.     

  This opportunity created ZERO fear.   No Anxiety.    And total excitement!     I'm smiling ear to ear tonight.   

  It's an opportunity that IS within my skill level and one that I can indeed grow from!    and I'm excited to share this journey with you!   

    *Oh,  And Matts certainly not crying at the idea of all the yummy foods I get to bring home to photograph.   lol, His mouth is already watering!   

   When God Closes doors,   Trust Him.      And when He opens doors,   Trust Him.  

Play Dates!

 And what's better than painting beautiful master-pieces together!   

 My devotion times recently have been going through much of the Proverbs and several books of the new testament,     As I'm studying, one huge thing sticks out to me-  Giving, Hospitality, and Serving others.   It's been something the Lord has laid on my heart strong in the last year and has been very much confirmed through reading his word.   

  As I read these verses,   My mother-in-law always comes to mind,   she has been the most amazing example of all this to me.        Always hosting,   serving,   ministering to others,  the first to take a meal to someone,   visit a friend in the hospital,   sewing for the homeless,   and giving in any way she can.  Between her and my father-in-law,   you never leave their home hungry,  cold, or in need.    They would give you the coat off their backs and without hesitation.     And you will be guaranteed to be fed a fabulous meal even if you just randomly dropped in,    you WILL be fed!

 My mother-in-law has been the perfect example to me of what God calls the "older woman to teach the younger",  Her devotion to Jesus and her convictions are never wavering and her love and compassion overflow to all.       

  So as I read these verses in God's word about hospitality and kindness,   I have zero excuses,  I have a Godly "older woman" in my life who shows me exactly what God expects,    and desires of me.     

  So,  Through the pulling of God on my heart,     I decided to try in baby steps.    

  A dear friend of mine had surgery recently and I stepped completely out of my comfort zone and took her a meal.      It was a simple meal of ravioli lasagna,  salad, and bread.  but,    She was so blessed,  and I knew God was pleased with me.    I obeyed him and followed his word.  

  ...and truthfully?   

  I enjoyed it,     It felt so good to do something for someone else,   and I know each time,  it will be easier and easier.    I pray it becomes second nature to me,   just like my inlaws,     that I have a heart for others like they do.

  When Ben asked "whos the meal for"?  and I shared with him what I was doing,  Matts immediate response was "Oh my mom always did that for everyone!  she was always the first to take anyone food that needed it"     To him,   Me taking a meal was already second nature,   because of the Godly example his mom was to him growing up.  I MUST be the same example to my children.

  I do not tell this story to pat myself on the back.     I tell it to encourage you,  to follow Gods leading if you feel he is wanting you to mister to others, whether it be through time and volunteering,   a meal,   a quick text to let someone know you are praying for them,   or so many other ways you can be a blessing to someone else.    Do it.    Together,  if we each take a step in this direction,  the lives we can minister to and give glory to God will be endless.     Let's shine for him in all that we do.   

1 Peter 4:9  Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.

Titus 1:8 But hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.

1 Timothy 5:10 And having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted, and has devoted herself to every good work.

Proverbs 31:20 She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy.

Galatians 6:10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Spring break projects!

3d model of the statue of liberty!



Random Ramblings from Ben.

 "You know,  I can count to one million.   I just don't have time."

From our family to yours.

We pray you have a joy-filled Easter, filled with praise to our Savior for his Wonderful Love for us.
He is indeed worthy of our praise!  

In between the Easter baskets full of chocolate and Yummy dinners,    Make sure you stop and truly Thank Our Precious Father for sending his Son to die on the Cross for our sins,   Because of Jesus,  and his love for us,  We can now look forward to an eternity in Heaven with him.  
  Stop today and truly Accknowlege him today for this sacrifice!

Amen!  He is Risen!

 Sporting our new Easter Sunday clothes!  
(Thank you Gigi for the dress!)  

He is Risen Indeed!


9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...