Some friends of ours recently had a pet die,    It may seem silly,   but it was a pet of 19 years and they were heartbroken.   Knowing how attached we've gotten to our Daily in just a year,  I knew the attachment must be great after 19 years!

So we decided to make them a simple dinner to let them know we cared,   Homemade bread with a cheesy lasagna.      It was my first time giving a loaf of homemade bread away, I've always been a little self-conscience, about that,   but I figure this was as good a time as any.   

This family knows we love Jesus,   and we talk to them regularly about our faith,    So I hoped our kind gesture would show them Jesus even more.     He is the reason we do what we do,   and our motivation in all things,   I just pray he is glorified as we love one another.  



NOT my thing,  at ALL.

I am a prepper.   I have to mentally prepare,   BUT I also struggle with commitment to things.    It's a big flaw of mine.    It actually causes me anxiety to be presented with something I have to commit to in the future,   but last-minute things make me overthink too.   
It's rough,  let me tell you.  

So when Ben was talking to a friend and suddenly they came up with this plan to try and get together THAT SAME AFTERNOON- I was like whoa!!   Hold up boy....

But the more he talked to his friend,  the more they got excited about these plans, and the further they proceeded,    Ben came to ask if they could please just come over for a few hours to hang out.  

My first mental response was "I need a week to prepare for this BEN!"   
but instead,   in my hopes to learn to be more spontaneous I responded with sure,   Tell them to come over this afternoon after chores and things are done

Ben was SO excited.    Ohmygosh!    Seeing the joy in his whole face made me realize how much he just needed it.

and honestly,  it wasn't that difficult for me.    We got all our stuff done and by the time their mom dropped them off.   I was able to sit and relax out back while watching them all play.    It ended up being a really nice afternoon.  We ordered pizza for dinner,   they played on water slides and swam in the pond and we even started a bonfire.  

by the time the parents came to get them,   they ended up sitting by the fire with us and we all just sat and talked for well over an hour.     Very pleasant afternoon!


Night #4!

So It's Been a minute since I've logged in here,  but our lives have been busy with gardening, canning,  church functions,  meetings, and more!   But no worries, I've got lots to share!

VBS night #4 was super fun!    The theme was fruit and veggies day which was right up Brooklies ally!   She put on a cute dress and matching scarf from Gigi and filled her little basket with all her little play foods.     One of our little friends was able to join us again also!

Brooklynn won one of the best "dressed" prize too!  she was so happy!  Look at that smile!

Brooklynn having so much fun running around with her group,   She Appsolutely loved it!

The boys got to play slip and slide soccer,  they had a blast!     It was wet soapy fun!     

Vbs night #3

 This time we invited several friends to join us and shockingly they were all available  to join!     We offered to drive everyone and have a good time,  one friend we even invited to join us for dinner before hand!

This night's theme was creepy crawlies!    So everyone brought a toy bug!  

  Both my kids are truly enjoying this vbs!   They are in great spirits,   doing all the "homework" and are excited each night.   This church is doing a great job! 


VBS night #2!

  Its crazy hat and hair day!    

  Luckily this one was easy for us as we own a photo booth and have tons of fun hats.  

  The Kids choose matching Jester hats with little bells at the ends of each flap.   

   They turned in all their finished assignments ,  said their memory verses and got points towards possible prizes at the end of the week!     Ben is even going the extra mile and saying all the books of the Bible,  new testament and old,   and quoting the 10 commandments!  



Oh this kid.....

Morning time with Jesus.

 Do you ever just read a Bible verse and it instantly becomes a favorite?      It hits deep in your heart and it brings either immense comfort and peace or true conviction?

 This happens on a regular basis during my morning devotions time,      and I fall in Love with my bible all over again.   

 and today,  this verse is one I need to share.    I think it could be a precious gift to you as well.  

  Its found in the book of the second Chronicles,   and It reads 

 "For the eyes of the Lord run to a fro throughout the whole earth,  to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to him" 

  Wow.   What words of peace, and protection!

   He's not asking us to be perfect,    or sinless.    He knows we'll mess up huge at times.      But,  if our hearts are Loyal to him,    He is there for us.   He is our strong tower.     And he looks for us!   He looks for his children,  He has a watchful eye on us.    He never takes a nap or a break.  He is ALWAYS right here by our side and he LOVES us.   

  So trust him today,  Even in the difficult times,   to be faithful to him.  To be strong in his will and he will Be there for you,    He will be your strong hand.    

  Take comfort friends.     His word is true and faithful.  What he says he will do.  HE WILL.

Vbs night one!

 Both kids attended,  they loved the  snacks,  crafts,  bible stories,  games,  and outdoor fun!   Brooklynn was a bit unsure at first so she asked me to stay with her and she was Not in bens groups with it bring split up by grade,  so momma got to hang out too!  
Each night the kids are sent away with a bible verse to memorize for the next night and a bible sheet to complete.   It's so refreshing to have my children hear about and be encouraged in the Lord.  
And yes.  No shoes.   Sheesh.  She kicked them off so fast.  Lol

Duck eggs delight.

Grilled chicken salad with fresh hard-boiled duck eggs, green onions, and olives.   
Trying new ways to eat duck eggs.   
They are a different taste ya'll.    so strong and gamey.  
Goona stick to just baking with them from here on out.   lol 


Yummies made from the Inlaws garden

The other day,  While Matt and Ben were busy doing "guys stuff",  Brooklynn and I stopped by the inlaws to grab some extra canning jars and while there they took us out to their garden and shared with us some fresh produce!    We came home with many Goodies,  one being fresh picked zucchini!     
  Now I won't lie.   No one in my family is a fan of zucchini,   As a matter of fact,  I usually have to sneak it into recipes,   and hide its evidence.      It's almost funny.   
But one way they'll eat it is in bread!   They actually request it and eat every last bite.   So when we plant our garden, we always plant a few zucchini plants just with the intention of bread!   Sadly our plants are NOT doing well this year and it looks like we may not get any of our produce.  So when Matt's parents were willing to share their bounty,   we did not turn it down!.    
 I looked up some new recipes,   and this one, in particular, caught my eye.      First,  anything that uses honey is a winner in my book,  and my family likes anything with cinnamon.  So this seemed like a safe bet!  
I whipped up several batches, using fresh duck eggs and only the honey portion of the recipe for sweetener, and using less than it called for.    It was a gamble,   but I was willing to take the chance. lol and wow.   They were SO GOOD.   My gracious!    SO GOOD.    Matt kept saying over and over how amazing it was,   and the next day my aunt came over and tried a piece and raved over it as well,  in fact, she kept going back and getting more slices!    That made me feel so good.   It's one thing to make your people happy,  but when others come over and love it too, that's pretty successful.   


1 Chronicles

  Currently, during my morning time with Jesus, I am going through the book of 1 Chronicle,    and I won't lie, It's been a rough book.     Not a lot of exciting stuff happening,     and there are days I'm really looking forward to being done.   

 But it's amazing how the Lord,   takes even the toughest,  most uninteresting books,  and still helps me grow in him,  convicts me,  and shapes me into who he wants me to be.  

   This morning in my readings,   I had the verse,

  "As for you my son Solomon,   know the God of your Fathers,  and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind,  for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the Thoughts,    If you seek Him,  He will be found by you"

  This whole verse was precious to me,      but a few areas really stood out and made me really stop and think hard.   

  When I read the part where it says he understands all the intent of the thoughts.    I was struck with deep conviction.   

  The intent.       Think about what that means? 

  When I do things in the name of the Lord.    are my MOTIVES pure?   do I do it for fame?   For a pat on the back?   For everyone to see what an amazing person I am?     

 Or Do I do it for the Praise of my Heavenly Father?      Do I do it to glorify him and advance his kingdom?   To be a shining light for HIS love and Salvation.

 Whether it is by my actions,  thoughts, or "good deeds" God knows the true INTENT of even my thoughts.    

 That's deep. 

 MY thoughts.


  That goes well beyond your outward actions.       

  He doesn't just see what others around me, see.    He sees my heart,   The true,   the ugly,   the motives behind everything.       Are they pure?     Is he pleased?    Is he praised?    

  I can possibly fool all those around me.     Say all the right things,  Do all the right things.    But God knows the INTENT of my heart.   He knows my true motives,   he knows my true thoughts and he knows the real me.    There's no fooling him.     

  And that takes me to the last part of the verse, I've said it before,    you have to seek Him.    You have to know HIM.   

  And take comfort,    It says,     If you seek him.     He will be found.    

  He's not hiding.   He wants to know you.   He wants a personal relationship with you.   

  Lets grow in him together.     


4th Of July celebrations.

 It was a busy weekend for us.     Matt had 4 days off work and we decided to just concentrate on getting stuff down around the yard and getting caught up on things we are always having to put on the back burner.     Matt reinforced the bridge that runs across the pond,   and I got into my studio and did some deep cleaning and organizing.    

It felt good to get some much-needed projects done.    The normal house cleaning, laundry, and dinners never end,  but sometimes you have to get out and take care of things beyond everyday stuff.     We made simple meals and even bought hot dog buns (gasp!) to get me out of the kitchen and use my time for other needed areas.     We were so tired every night but felt accomplished.    

  We also took time with the kids, relaxing around the pond,  swimming,   and also went to see the local fireworks, and treated them to elephant ears from the food truck.     

 We ended the 4 day weekend by inviting Matt's parents over for dinner and fellowship.     we served ribs,  steaks,  broccoli salad, and watermelon,  and they brought baked beans,   fresh bread,  and a yummy coconut cake.

 It was a perfect ending to a really good weekend.      We felt happy and blessed,   and as always,  thankful for our Freedoms.   

Rhubarb crisp!

I shared in a recent post,  that while visiting the inlaws one afternoon, they gave us all kinds of fresh goodies from their garden.     Along with the zucchini, and lettuce they also gave us a few stalks of rhubarb!  
 I was so excited!   We've not had rhubarb in years but it's always something we enjoy.  It's not something "normal" and you can't just run to the grocery store and buy it so it's a special treat!

I looked up some recipes and found one that used fresh strawberries and diced rhubarb.    It was super simple but came out great,  We had a family treat of warm crisp over vanilla ice cream!    Ben thought he was the luckiest boy in the world!  lol. 


One hour rolls

 I wont lie,  Some times I get behind ,  or distracted, and fall behind on every day things.   

Sometimes its almost Dinner time and I forgot to our meat out of the freezer,  or forgot to start a loaf of fresh bread as a side.     

 And That happened recently, lol (shocker)  I didn't have anything done and had to spring into action with dinner time being in just an hour or two.  

  I quickly looked up 1 hour dinner rolls.     Literally,   that's what I searched.  I didn't have time for loads of rising time or anything super fancy,  I just needed something fresh,  quick, and easy to feed my peoples.  

  So I found a recipe,   I had all the ingredients and it had a promise of being done in time,  so I gave it a shot. 

  It did NOT disappoint!       They were delicious!   Like 4 ingrediants, very little kneading, one small 30 minute rise and boom we had fresh rolls to go with dinner! 

Sunday singing

 Vbs went from Thursday to Saturday evening,  and ended with a Sunday morning service,  where parents were invited to come listen to their kids sing during church.  It was a blessing to have my kids participate!   

  Afterwards they had everyone come to the dining area and fed us a full meal!   It was a refreshing time of fellowship with other believers.    I loved when the Lord let's me meet my family in Christ!  


9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...