Prayers answered!

 Our God is good.   He cares so much and listens to our hearts when we cry out to him!

  Our Daisy ,  after MUCH care,  is finally back to health!    Her follow up vet appointment cleared her for going back to a normal diet!   Such relief to know she was looking so much better and her dying wasn't something we had to worry about!     It truly was a rough few days.    We really do love this dog.  

  So in celebration,   today she went in for a fresh cut and grooming!     So looks so cute and smell amazing!   


 Tummy bugs 

 To sudden around-the-clock care for your puppy dog.     It's been a long long week and NOT the spring break my kids envisioned.    

  A couple days ago our Daisy got really sick.    I'll spare you all the details,    but at one point,  she was going to die.      Legit.    No exaggeration.

 She has required around-the-clock,  every hour care,  vet visits, and the thoughts of possibly having to put her down.  It has been a horrible 48 hours.   Syringe forcing liquids and supplements,   setting alarm clocks all night to administer nutrition, and cleaning up so much puke and rancid smelling bloody poop

  We don't know what happened,   or why she got sick,   but it happened fast.  The Vet says she is exhibiting all symptoms of being poisoned or getting into something really really harmful.    

  As much as we rack our brains,  We have no idea what she got into.     she is always with us,  and we have a home that has little to no chemicals.    

  Regardless,  we have a sick sick puppy.   

  All 3 of us (Brooklynn's a bit young for this ) and sharing the load of syringing her,   watching her,   petting her, and just loving on her.    

  And we have prayed.     On the way to the vet,  I prayed aloud to my Father in Heaven so my children could hear.  I prayed that he would minister healing to our dog.  I was reminded of the Bible verse where it's shared that God even cares for the sparrows,   and was given great comfort that he cares for my Daisy too.    And He loves us and cares for what is important to us.    So when we go to him,  over the healing of our dog,  I know he listens and cares.    

 48 hours later,   and with so much care,   We are looking at a much healthier puppy.    Today we got her to eat some boiled chicken,    she is drinking her supplement without AS MUCH force,    the bloody throw-up has stopped,   and the runs are now a dark thick red,   in very small amounts.

So much improvement.    

We have a long way to go,   and more vet appointments today,    but we are feeling hopeful.   

 I did reach out to a few friends who love our daisy,  and they have been so encouraging,    They have checked in,    I believe they have prayed,    and they have truly cared.   

  After hearing about our night and the very lack of sleep,   one of my dearest friends in the world stopped by and brought us a load of groceries,   she just wanted to help in our time of caring for our girl,  she brought a dinner, of chicken,  lettuce,  croutons, dressing,  chips, kale,  grapes, strawberries, bananas,  Pedialyte, snacks for my kids, and a coffee for me!      It was such a blessing and I felt so loved and cared for.     There are people who know,  Daisy isn't just our dog, she's our family <3.   

Its the little things

 I get excited over things that most would find boring,  and to find our first duck egg was no exception!    I can't tell you how delighted I was!!  

   So far she lays one a day,  skipping a day every one in a while.    They are still really tiny,  and the shell is very different from a hens egg.   The shell is SUPER thick and almost a transparent white!      They have an entirely different taste too.   Almost gamey.     Not sure I like.  

   But!     We currently have some in our incubator and hopefully have some baby ducks soon!!  

And nope,  these are not peeled hard boiled eggs,  these are duck eggs!

Tummy bugs

  And when one hits your home ,  taking all 4 of you down in one week,  it's yucky.  

  But God is good and We are all on the mend.     

  I boiled down two of our home grown roosters that we butchered over the summer and were in the freezer for such a time as this.     Warm broth is so comforting!     It felt so good to give my family something that I hatched myself ,  raised in my own back yard,  and butchered for my family to eat.    Tiny steps to homesteading ;) 


He is Risen!

  As a Christian- this day,  This "holiday" is the reason we rejoice, 

  It's the reason we have Peace,  Joy,  and It's the reason we have full assurance of eternal life in Heaven.  

  Jesus paid it all.    He died a horrific death,    Was tortured and beaten,  to save us.      He took our punishment,  as a sinless man,    for all our sins,  knowing that so many would still reject him.  

   He loves us that much.   

   And today we celebrate that love.    

   That day he rose from the grave!   


A little bit of pre-Easter fun

Bubbles, pencils, a bunny eraser, sticker sheets, flower seeds,a sucker and an egg with chocolate inside!
This week Brooklynn and I went shopping for and filled little Easter goodie bags for her to pass out to all her class mates before spring break!   

  There was nothing fabulous about them,  but we had fun doing it and I'm hoping it is teaching her that not everything is about GETTING,   that it really is more blessed to give than to receive at times.    

Easter food boxes!

 My kids school/church hosted a drive to gather food for those in need this Easter season,  together we were able to bless around 30 families with boxes full of food per family!   What a blessing it was to be a part!   I took Brooklynn with me to help load boxes ,  she was amazing at helping,  stayed focused ,  and the others couldn't believe how good she was at it.  Some of the older gentleman helping ,  smiled and said "starting them early!"when watching her walk around placing items on tables.  

  I'm not sure she fully grasped what we were doing,  but if even a little bit sticks,  it's a life long lesson to grow up learning to give to and minister to others.   And what precious memories for her to do these things with momma.    I treasure them!  ♡     


First time skating!!

 Some of Bens school mates made plans to go skating over the weekend and invited Ben to join along.     We agreed to let him go but stressed the importance of being Christ like and to always please his Lord.   It was a good feeling to know we have raised him well and can trust him for situations like these.   As he grows older we are understanding the importance of building a strong faith and foundation in their hearts of God's word. 

  He had never gone skating before so was beyond excited!     

The mom that went along sent me pictures!

He came home all pumped,  saying he loved skating!  He said after getting the hang of it,  he was actually pretty good at it! 

  I asked if he fell and got hurt at all and his response was "oh absolutely!!!"!

  But yay for no broken bones!

Meal prepping.

 Sometimes it's just making healthy snacks for the week- cutting up veggies for the crunchy cravings, Having Breakfast already made up for easy yet healthy filling mornings,    or its "cookies" sitting in the fridge for those sweet tooth moments.     whatever it is,   Its key to have stuff on hand.    and always ready. 

  It takes so much work.  I won't lie.    Just the organization,  motivation,   and meal planning required feels like a full-time job.      

There are weeks I rock it.    

Then there are Monday mornings where we are all getting ready for school/work and Im like Yeahhhhh.  I forgot everything all weekend.   

Those are NOT fun mornings.   

 But thankfully those mornings jump-start a quick meal prep hour at the end of the day where I whip up some yummies.    

 Im getting real good at knowing the easy recipes,   the foods everyone likes,  the cost effective foods,  and the stuff that generally get a smile from everyone.   

 A favorite?     

 5 ingrediant energy balls.   

 My Ben thinks they are the best foods on earth and feels like he's completely cheating on his "no sugar"lifestyle

  And they are so good for him,  Flax seeds,   chia seeds,  oats,   honey,  and peanut butter,  all healthy and filling,  yet they taste delicious!

  We whip up a double batch and put half in baggies for easy lunch packing!   

New life ♡

 Our new neighbors,   a young couple had their first baby Sunday, and how precious it was to see their excitement.     They,  like us, struggled to get pregnant,  so to see them get their miracle hit deep.     Oh how we know the joy of seeing your deepest prayers answered.   

 The day they came home from the hospital Matt ran over and asked them if it was ok for us to make them a meal,    They Graciously accepted so Matt and I decided to give a small gift along with dinner.  

 I wanted my gift to be practical,   but also share Jesus with them at the same time.    I didn't want to shove it in their face,  but I wanted to let them know that I believe in Jesus-  and I was here if they ever needed it.   You never know... possibly in a struggle it would be a comfort to them to know there are believers close and a person to pray for/with them.     I personally LOVE when I meet new Brothers and sisters in Christ,   I get excited and feel refreshed.

  So I decided on a box of diapers, a very practical gift and something every baby uses,   and then a little Beginners Bible for Children.     A Bible as a baby gift actually isn't too uncommon,   but it was a way I could share my faith and maybe even plant some seeds of Christ.

We gave them farm fresh eggs, a pan of lasagna,  rolls,   salad, and brownies!    

  It was wonderful to be a blessing to them... and truthfully to see how God has helped me grow in the last year has been precious,    He has pushed me out of my comfort zone,  and in turn,   its honestly *Almost* become second nature to be used for him in this way.  

9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...