First night of VBS!


A local church had their vbs and Brooklynn got to officially stay this year!  

 Momma,  being careful hung out the whole time to watch and observe,  and it was a delight to watch my children sing songs and hear Bible stories!     

  The theme was  

God made me!

God loves me!

God saves me!  

What better message is there!!!

And the receptionist at our Chiropractors office was Brooklynns leader!   

First bit of harvest from our garden!

 Snap peas!   So delicious and fresh.    It was a small amount but both my kids chomped and were eating right in the garden!   

  Talk about healthy goodness!

Throwing hay!

One of Ben's best friends "Evie" whom he's known almost his whole life,   who also happens to be class-mates,  lives on one of the biggest farms in the area was telling me how they were in the hay season,  I shared how I lived on an organic dairy farm as a kid,  and was not a stranger to the world of Hay and said if they ever needed any extra help,  to shoot me a text and I'd bring Ben over to help.     

 Little did she know that it is always my dream to have my children experience the world of farming and the honest hard work that comes with it!       I personally can't give him all the experiences here where I live,   but I always knew,  as he grew older I would find opportunities for him to help local farmers and find safe ways for him to learn and be in that environment.   And who better than learn with than your best friend's family!?

  Not even two days after this conversation,   I got a text from Evie's older sister saying "Hey,  we have 3 wagons to unload if Ben wants to come help!"   

  I yelled out to Ben and said "Guess what!"  lol.      He was hesitant at first as it was completely unknown territory for him as he's NEVER done hay,   But ran to get dressed!

  In minutes we were in the car and drove over there.     Upon getting there,  Ben didn't even hesitate,   He was out of the car, jumped into the wagon bed with Evie's older brother, and got to work!  

He was there for hours before I got the text to say they were done.   When I went to get him,  He was all smiles and was nothing but optimistic,   He said he threw those bales of hay right up into the loft from the wagon to the stackers,   "mom,  I threw up 100 bales of hay,  I worked so hard!  and I really helped,  they even said how it went so much faster with me helping!"    I was so proud of his attitude!   

He was pumped and said he'd go back anytime.  

Honestly,  I can't tell you how that made my heart swell.       

Farm work is NOT easy,   It is hot,  dirty,  sweaty,  and "hay season" is one of the worst,    But I tell you,  its so rewarding,     I asked him how it felt to work so hard and he said "great!"   

First time Skating!

 It was Brooklynn's turn this time!       

  She was invited to a classmate's birthday party at a local roller rink and after a few falls,  she picked it up fast and was actually skating with speed!      I was pretty shocked at how well she picked it up.    and the smiles on her face made the day totally worth it!   

She loved it and says she'd love to go again as a family sometime!  

One Of her Best Friends Maggie was at the party too,  and Maggie's Dad was GREAT with Brooklynn!   He helped her and Maggie learn to skate and was so kind!

Hard working kids right here!

My Kid's principal called the other day and after a minute of greetings,   She proceeded to ask if Ben was busy for the day and if there was any way he could come to the school to help with some odd jobs.    They were moving some classrooms around and needed a strong boy!   They said he could bring a friend to help and work together!     I was happy to offer him as a help and thrilled that he could be a blessing!

When I told Ben of her call,  he didn't hesitate!    He jumped right up and called one of his best friends Ella!     She also didn't hesitate,  I drove both kids over to the school around 11am,  And They worked till about 4ish in the afternoon.   

When I got to the school to pick them back up,    I got nothing but positive words about how strong and hard workers they both were.   They worked so hard and didn't complain!    I was so proud of my son and his friend.     So proud that he is a hard worker,   but also that he has friends that are willing to do work with him and have such good character!     He's got a good circle.
Moments like this make me feel that I haven't totally failed at this parenting thing!  

 After leaving the school,   I brought Ella back to our house for dinner, and the kids got to take a refreshing dive into the pond and do some swimming.   They earned it!     

Big sales.

 I always try to think of ways to take advantage,  stock up to avoid paying higher prices later,   and make good use of them.  

 So when strawberries were on a huge sale,    I bought them!      We use so many strawberries around here!    

 The kids make fruit smoothies almost daily,   using bananas,  strawberries,  oat milk,  homemade yogurt, and fresh raw spinach.    So healthy and loaded with goodness!  So we froze about 6-gallon bags full just for this purpose alone!   

  One of Bens's favorite foods is strawberry jam on toast or PP&J sandwiches,   But being SO loaded with sugar, it's always on his "do not eat " list,     So I decided to bless him and make him up a couple of batches, sweetening them with honey.   

  It was my first go at canning in a bit,   and it's been a couple years since making jam,  so it took a minute to get my mind in the right place,   but after I collect my needed materials and courage,   I whipped up a few batches!        

 I was really proud of myself,   and so please when they all set perfectly and sealed!      Ben was so happy, and several jars have already been used up!     I'm know what I'll be doing when strawberry picking season is here!  

When friends come over

 And open a jar of mommas homemade dill pickles,  eat the whole jar and then proceed to drink the juice.....


3rd Place!

   We are so proud!   Ben practiced and practiced,  sometimes till his arm hurt!     He went to practice with his team every day,  and then several nights, he came home and practiced more on his own!  

  And it paid off,   He increased his throw by 3-5 feet between regionals and states!  At Regionals, he was barely throwing 25 feet,  and by the time states came around, he was throwing 27-30 feet consistently!    

  And this Young man, took 3rd place,  Missing 2nd place by only 6 inches!        He was so proud of himself as we are of him!      He's already talking of next year!   

Knowing Gods Word.

 It needs to be a top priority.    

In Bible Study yesterday, There was a discussion that as believers we are to make sure that everything we are being told, whether in church,  Bible study,  on radios,  Podcasts, books we read,  or anywhere else, lines up with Gods word.    And if something goes against God's words,  We are to call it out and turn away.    His word is always the final authority,   Even trusted leaders and Pastors can fail.    Know his word for yourself,  be grounded in it!

And Everything we believe,  say,  do, and think,  needs to line up with God's word.   And if it doesn't,  we really need to check ourselves.      

  So How do we do that?     

 By KNOWING God's word.    


 We need to know God's word so well,    That when we are taught false doctrine,   We instantly know.    We don't blindly believe or follow.     We KNOW.    

  The Bible says False teachers will sneak in,  and they will deceive.    So you need to be on guard at all times.    You need to have God's word hidden in your heart so deep,  that The enemy will not be able to catch you and put lies in you.     Cause I promise,  He will try.

 It was shared that Most books of the New Testament can be read in a few hours' time,  if not less.    So there is NO excuse for NOT knowing his word.     The Book of Mark, for example,    Is read on Audio in 2 hours' time.         It's time to get in his word,  and KNOW HIM.    

 Again,   God's word is the final authority.    And it can not be compromised.      Sin is Sin.     Forgiveness is God's promise to us,  but that is NEVER an excuse to sin.     Never.     God will not be played.    God knows your hearts.      

  So get to know him,  starting today.   Give 5 minutes and start reading the Bible.    Hide it in your heart.  

    I Challenge you.   If you have 5 minutes for Facebook.    You have 5 minutes to get in the Word of God and search.      

  Leave a comment and share what is your favorite book of the Bible and where you are currently reading? 


Last walk through the doors

 As a preschooler and 6th grader!   

  Kindergarten and 7th grade here we come,   


 But first.  A summer full of making memories!  

9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...