Remember a few weeks ago I shared that Ben had a friend over to work on a school project?
Well it's done and ready for viewing!
Script written and directed by the boys and recorded by Bens mom!
A Blog about Growing in Jesus, A Simple Life, Our Little Farm, and Lots of Yummy and Healthy Foods
Remember a few weeks ago I shared that Ben had a friend over to work on a school project?
Well it's done and ready for viewing!
Script written and directed by the boys and recorded by Bens mom!
The past several Sundays church sermons have been so good and convicting, Right to the point, and make you think very deeply.
This past Sunday (watch sermon here, it's a small 10-minute sermon starting at the 29-minute mark, I highly recommend) was from Peter, and in particular the pastor spoke about the "last days" Peter mentions to the Church. And not in the way you would think, not in a scary, The world is falling apart kind of way, but in a, "are you living for Jesus" way?
He spoke about the urgency to live every day as if Jesus were coming back soon as if he were coming back this afternoon in fact.
He shared how the older a person gets in age, the more they become aware of death and how short our time here on earth is, and a younger person doesn't feel that, In fact, they live their lives with the confidence that they have YEARs ahead of them, zero urgencies, zero feelings of make today count.
He challenged us to start to approach every day as if we knew Jesus would come back that afternoon.
He asked "Would that change how you lived your day? Would it affect the decisions you made, the conversations you had, and who you spent time with?"
He then promised that indeed, it would.
He stressed that we can't live like Jesus isn't coming for another month, year, or 10 years, But we need to live every day like he is coming that day!
And then he spoke on as Believers in Christ we are to be spending each day ministering to others, showing hospitality, and caring for those around us. As Believers, we are to make EVERY DAY count. We need to be loving and serving others NOW.
He asked, "are the things your doing Glorifiying him?" "Are you living and serving your neighbor"
Again. Huge conviction on my end. Before hearing this sermon, I had a few people on my heart, a few people that I felt led to give a meal too, and I had been putting it off.
This sermon was for me.
So Brooklynn and I went to town, We bought a load of Groceries to make several lasagna and all the sides.
When I got home, I was a bit overwhelmed, and anxious. I even called my mom a bit stressed but said "Gigi could do it!! She'd even whip up some apple pies to go along with the meals!"
But in my insecurities, God gave me strength and I did it. When we are weak, he is strong. And he helps us to obey, when the task at hand seems a bit much. We were able to deliver 4 meals to 4 different families that night and bless them.
I let them all know to Thank our father in Heaven, He Laid them on my heart and he gets all the credit.
Around the local pond. It was only .3 miles, but I was nice a refreshing before bed. Hoping to make it a nightly tradition this summer!
Around 1 am we were awoken last night to the sounds of an animal screaming outside our bedroom window. It was loud and jolted us all awake.
It didn't take us but seconds to realize that something was attacking our Americana momma chicken. We all flew out of bed, ...the screaming was something I've never heard before. I had no idea a chicken could make such a frantic noise. It was so loud and terrifying. Matt yelled out the window to hopefully scare what ever It was away then darted down the stairs and out the door to help her.. but sadly, it too late. Whatever preditor it was, attacked fast. It drug her off and all we were left with was silence in the dark night
Ben ran outside and together he and Matt searched for her babies but was only able to find 1 out of the 9.
We were all shaking and Brooklynn just cried. We loved this chicken, she was such a good momma to her babies and tho she wouldn't go into the coop for protection, she honestly was our favorite pet.
This morning we were left with piles and piles of feathers all over the yard as a sad truth of the night's event. It was enough to make you feel sick inside. Nature can be cruel sometime. My kids are getting a real-life lesson in the realities of farm life, and how it's not always pretty.
Thankfully, Ben was able to find 8 out of her 9 babies when daylight came and they are all safely tucked away in the coop.
Brooklynn cried hard saying they didn't have a momma anymore, and I assured her that I'm not a great substitute to the real deal, but I will care for them the best I can.
We already miss her. Running around the yard with all her babies in tow. We delighted in watching her care for her chicks, and it got to the point where if we came to the doorway, she and all her babies came running to see what treats we had for them.
The yard just isn't the same anymore.
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Ben came home with an assignment from school to replicate any item he chooses, and either make a duplicate 10 times bigger or 10 times smaller than the original item.
It took us a week to figure out what to make. We had so many ideas, but either Ben wasn't impressed with them, or they were really difficult to re-create.
Then one day Ben said "Toilet paper!" and then bust out laughing.
At first, I was like "Ben, you are NOT taking in toilet paper!"
But he got such a huge kick out of the idea that we said "alright! have at it!"
He happily worked on his project, and I must admit, he did a good job.
He steadily laughs every time he looks at it, and most of his school agrees that his was indeed the funniest 3D project.
My silly boy and his toilet paper. You can see by his face how much humor he got out of it! lol
How precious it was to get together with some woman of the Lord and study his word together. To pray as Sisters in Christ and encourage each other in our walks with him
If you ever get this kind of opportunity, don't ever take it for granted, Spending time with believers in Christ and growing in him is a treasure in today's world.
Never be too busy to stop and focus on him, whether alone, or with a Group. Jesus is worth it and you will be blessed. He needs to be a top priority in our lives, NOT an afterthought.
So I'm not sure if I shared yet, but Ben decided to give track a try this year, He is normally a year-round wrestler, but due to the requirements to wrestle currently we decided to pass for a bit and try some new stuff.
At first Ben was a bit iffy on track. but now that he's been faithfully going to practices and then this week went to his first track meet, he has discovered he LOVES track. And he's really good at it!! Ben has always been very athletic and a good runner, but has never competed.
It was pouring rain and really cold, but Ben did Great!! He put 100% in and did all 4 of his allowed competitions!
Yesterday the results came in and Ben took 1st in one, and 2nd in the other 3 competitions!
He was so excited and Matt and I are really proud!
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100 yard run |
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Long jump |
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Long jump (it was best out of 3 tries) |
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shotput |
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400 yard run |
Recently I was waiting for my grocery order through checklist when I noticed the guy next to me having a hat that said something about Christ on it, through our opened car windows I said how I loved what it had to say!
He smiled big and responded in a positive way. After speaking for a few more moments, His grocery order came, but before he drove away he looked at me and said "Would you like a Bible? I have many with me!" I told him that I had a Bible of my own already, but thanked him very much for his offer.
I have thought of this man several times since this day.
How precious it was that he was planting seeds of Christ with his hat, so little- yet eyecatching, not a word was needed. And he was prepared in a moment's notice to give someone a Bible. It touched my heart and was such an example to me!
The Bible tells us to always be prepared to share his word,
2 Timothy 4:2, KJV: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."
2 Timothy 4:2, NIV: "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction."
1 Peter 3:15, NIV: "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"
1 Peter 3:15, KJV: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"
So I decided I was going to do just that. Be prepared, in and out of season.
I ordered a bunch of Bibles and I now have a pile ready. Even if I just find good places to leave them, I believe God can use simple things for his glory. He will bring the opportunities, I just need to obey.
These boys have a big class project to do this month so they got together to study together.
Any guesses on what the project is about?
At church yesterday before we were going forward for communion, I noticed Ben shoes were untied, I quickly whispered
" Ben tie your shoes or your trip on your way up!"
He paused, looked at me and said "That would be hilarious!"
SMH. Only Ben would totally find humor at tripping in front of the whole church.
So, I had a great conversation with Bens Principle.
She met me at my car and at first, we were just talking about our morning and life in general, After a while she looking at me with a serious face and said "I don't know what you've done differently, but lately Ben is a different kid? He's focused in class and even going above and beyond with his assignments. He has an essay to write, where he has to choose any person (past, present, or fictional) and write what you would do if you could spend a day with that person. He chooses Einstein, and asked if he could spend a week with him in the essay cause a day wasn't long enough!"
I looked at her honestly, and said: "we went completely off not sugar again?" She looked at me shocked and gave a "wow??!?" is that really it?? look?
I said " I know it seems mute, but honestly. We took all sugars away again, We had gotten a bit lenient about it with the holidays, and such, but recently realized we needed to get pretty strict again."
She was kinda shocked, but couldn't argue that maybe it is working!
I left her feeling good.
The truth is, It's been a long lonely road dealing with Ben and the pressure to put him on Meds comes from all different directions. Teachers and others mention so often that meds would "fix everything", and to"just give him a couple pills!"
But until the Lord shows us differently, It's not how we feel led at all.
So hearing the principle say she see's improvement was such an encouragement.
God is Good!
9th grade basket ball season has come to an end, what an awesome experience it's been! So many friends and family members came to...