Teaching my daughter to turn lemons into lemonade

   So we had some bananas getting a bit ripe.    The energy wasn't there and So many other things to do.   but I knew my priorities had to be in the right order.

  So Brooklynn and I started peeling,  mashing,   and mixing.    I even taught her to use the beaters,  and together we made a couple loaves of very healthy banana bread,   using farm fresh eggs,    organic bread flour,    and sweetened with only half the amount of honey that the recipe called for (lets be real,   bananas are sweet enough!)  and we even put in some walnuts to add extra protein!   

  They turned out sooo good!!     Like.... so good.      My guys ate and ate it!   

   As we made them I shared with Brooklynn that instead of wasting them we were able to make a healthy bread,   that was a fun snack and a good breakfast for mornings.   Im not sure how much she understood,   but it was good to turn some simple bananas into a possible lesson of Godliness and being a wise woman to my daughter.    She may only be 4,   but it's my Job to raise her "in the way she should go" and its never too early to start.    Planting seeds of the Proverbs 31 woman today,   for tomorrows future.      

When chicken breasts are on sale,

 You make lots of chicken nuggets!         


  When your friend messages and says that he has food for your chickens you are ever so grateful!   

And so much food it was,   These boxes were huge and loaded with foods like lettuces,  breads and lots of goodies that a local place had to throw out,  so he thought of us so it wasn't a total waste!    

  Our chickens were fed well,  and I am reminded of the wonderful people The Lord has filled my life with,  He fills our needs every day,     and keeps ALL our tummies full even in the most unexpected ways.   My village is pretty awesome.    They even think about my chickens :) 

Mommy-Daughter night, Daddy-Ben night.

 Mommy daughter night

Brooklynn was invited to the birthday party of one of her classmates,   a princess painting party and  We made a big deal of it,   She got in one of her new church dresses,  and we did her hair all special and she was SOOO excited.  

 and Since She and I were getting time away,  I suggested to Matt that he and Ben take advantage and do something together as well.  He quickly agree it was a great idea.      

  So apart we both hit the town.     Going our separate directions,    We had special bonding time with our little people.

  I got to meet most of Brooklynns class mates and parents alike,   which was really great since I have not been able to yet this year.     It was good to put a face to the names that I hear in stories Brooklynn shares about her day at school. 

  Matt and Ben spent the evening going to a coin show that just happened to be taking place  (Ben loves old coins) at our local mall that evening,   and then they went and had dinner together at a local restaurant that happens to be owned by one of Bens past wrestling coaches dad.   

  It was a really good evening for us all,      Sometimes you just have to stop life and spend time with the ones that mean the most.     

Letting the Boy grow up.

Recently Ben was invited to join a local youth group.
In theory it sounded GREAT!   Ben could have more time learning about our savior,  and hang out with other kids his age in a safe controlled atmosphere.    In Theory I was all over it.  

But in reality.... It meant leaving my boy... and driving away.  


Upon further investigation,   Youth Group involved Sunday gatherings at church,  But also - social outing, and trips to local areas,  most of which are situations where I would drop my son off at an appointed location at a certain time and date and let him go.

And believe it or not,  This is really hard for me to do.

Its been a real time of growing,  for Both Ben as a young Man,  
But also,   me.   Ive had to learn what it means to have a preteen in the house,  and NOT a little boy.

I have to trust that I have raised him well enough to be a Christian young man EVEN when Im not around.

but also,  Ive had to learn to trust others WITH my son.  To trust the leaders to teach him right,  and to be alert to the talk and actions of the young people as they mingle,  are they pleasing to the Lord?  

So the other day when the youth group hosted game night.    Every kid was told to bring a snack to pass and they would spend a few hours playing group games.

And to be truthful,  as I drove him there,  I had EVERY intention of walking in with him,   talking for a few with the leaders and then maybe making my way back out....eventually....

but upon arrival ,  all of us parents happened to show at the same time.... all in a row.   and every parent drove up,  let their kid jump out and then.... drove off.  
My heart sank a little.
I was at a cross roads.   
park and walk him in?
Or drive up ,  let him get out and drive away.

Deep down,  I knew I had to drop him off. 

So I did,    I handed him his plate of pin wheels for snack that I had made earlier that day,  let him jump out,  and ...  I waved goodbye,   as I drove off with all the other parents.

I HAD to let him grow up.   I had to let him become a man.   And I had to trust that Ive raised him well enough to be able to do that.

*and please note,   not every situation warrants the "well every other parent does it" attitude.    There are certainly times that as a parent we have to go against the flow and do what is right for our kids regardless what the world tells you,  and there are definitely times to be all up in their business!   It takes Wisdom to know the difference.      Im sharing this story to let you know that I am learning this wisdom,  and that I am growing as a parent and allowing my son the freedom to become him own person,  while very much under my authority and ever present Eyes.    

 Raising kids is no joke sometimes people... 

Just like momma

 Ive been known to highlight a verse or two in my readings of Gods word,   The verses that stand out to me,  or convict me, I like to have them stand out for future readings,  or when I just need a reminder of  verses that comfort me.     Bens been known to tease me about how some of the pages in my Bible are so colorful!  lol
Occasionally Brooklynn will be sitting near me or will even ask me to show her in her Bible where Im reading in mine and will pretend to "read along" with me.  It blesses me so and I do love her interest in Gods word already.

The Other day Matt found her sitting with her Bible and marker and was "highlighting her Bible".   He thought it was so cute and brought it to my attention later,  Sitting right there on the couch,  was her Bible with her highlighter.   she was "just like momma".  

But How sobering it was to think, Our children watch everything we do.   And so often mimic what they see and hear from us.     Its a huge responsibility to us as parents,    They watch EVERYTHING.
It was a reminder to me,  that I have to be a Godly example to my children every day, and every minute of that day.    It can't just be on Sundays mornings,   or when it convenient,   It has to be a way of life,   that my children can watch my actions, and words,  and follow my example.    I need to be a Godly example as a parent,  wife,  friend,  worker,    but most of all,  a follower of Christ.   
  My Children need to SEE him in me.      

Cornmeal amd honey bread!

 After making the same homemade bread for months in a row,  5 loaves at a time my family was to the point of being less that excited every new batch!   Lol.  

   So I asked my father in law for a new challenge and he game me a recipe for a new bread that's a cornmeal base.    

  It actually had a soaked starter that had to begin 24 hours in advance,  so it took a bit of planning ,   but I don't regret trying it at all!    It was sooooo good.    Ben said it's his favorite so far,   it had amazing texture and was dense and filling.     

    Made with all good healthy mostly organic ingredients and honey sweetened so Ben friendly!   


God provides,   in many ways.   Big and small. ♡


New Year, Same us.

 Lol.   Always on the path to better eating,  more homemade foods,  and Healthier options.    

   That will never change.      I think it's important to know what goes in your body and to be wise.  What goes in us,    has a direct impact on so many areas of our life,  physical,  and mental.       

 Treating Bens ADHD is one of the hardest journeys we've had as parents.    But we won't give up.    We always strive forward.  

 Tho don't worry,  We do understand the need to compromise,  and have fun,  We do enjoy a treat here and there and sometimes have a complete day of indulgence.    Its all about balance and we know this.   We talk about it as a family.  We motivate each other,  and Im always looking for new and interesting ways of making eating healthy more fun.   

 Its a way of life for us.    and most people in our lives respect it.     Bens School for the most part is beyond helpful.     Teachers reward him with alternatives to the candy treat box and He has so many people go out of their way to make sure he has something just for him in the times when sugar is on overload.     And for those people,   I am forever grateful.     They are my village.      

  In the months of Nov and Dec,  with some many holiday treats and school parties,  we do give in and allow sugar in moderation.   Celebrating Jesus Birthday is a big deal around here!  

  But sadly,   We do see negative effects during these months with our health in general (feeling more tired,   colds act..) but also in Bens focus and his work at School.  As a matter of Fact,  a few of Bens teachers have shared that they are noticing a difference in Ben. and how he seems to be struggling.  That crushes this mommas heart.    

  So.... January 1st,  We crack down and go "no sugar".  ZIP, NONE ,   (with the exception of Natural Honey,  and fruits)        It's become normal around here and fully expected.      And Like a light switch,  Even Ben will start reading labels on foods,  and inform of how many grams of sugar something has in it.     

 Does he enjoy it?   


   But he truly understands the importance of what we do and why we do it.    He knows it's the best for him,   and while he'll complain about it occasionally,   for the most part,   he just sucks it up and owns the process.   

   And truthfully ,  it's not easy for any of us.    Food can be boring without sugar!    And reading every label gets old.    You guys- there is sugar in EVERYTHINGGGGGG.     

   Cooking takes prep work,   extra groceries,   and most things needs to be homemade.  And meal planning is no simple task,     But I can't tell you how good it feels to feed my family fresh organic foods where I made from scratch and I know EXACTLY is in it.     You can't beat it.    

  And my boy is worth it.    Every bit.      He's my why.    He's my motivation.    


New Years Eve at our house.

 It was Just us.  

 No parties,  No plans to stay up late,  We had some yummy snacks,  all homemade and just quiet family time.       

   I made meatball subs,   It was so yummy!!  The meatballs were tender and the sauce was better than any jarred stuff out there!   

We also had fresh cooked shrimp (first time ever cooking my own shrimp!) ,    along with  inside-out  egg rolls ,  and spinach dip with triscuit crackers.  

  A simple menu,    but it was perfect.    We all ate till we were stuffed!

  But funny story,      Around 5 or 6:30 Matt asked me if I planned to stay up for a bit,    I said since it was so early still,  I had a few hours left in me.    He said "Great,  I'll make a pot of coffee and try to stay up too"

  I asked "How late do you plan to stay up?  "   

 He said "930!"   

 I bust out laughing,  and said "930?   that's your goal on New Years eve? "  

  He said "Hey, you gotta have realistic goals",  and went and made a pot of coffee.  

  Fast forward.    

  Brooklynn was asking to go to bed before 8.    

  Ben didn't even try to stay up.

 And we were all in Bed, with lights out by 830.  

  Yep.  Thats us.     We didn't even make our goal of 930.     lol

  But New Years,  we woke well rested and no hangovers so I say it was a win win!

   In all seriousness tho,   I pray it's a blessed year for us all,   a year of growth in our Savior and we see many many come to know him personally.   

   I would love to hear,  How will YOU help serve the great commission for Christ this year?    

9th grade basket ball season has come to an end,   what an awesome experience it's been!      So many friends and family members came to...